Alto 3840HA Instruction Manual Download Page 3


La política ambiental de ALTO


ALTO ha convertido la política ambiental en una parte
natural del concepto de la compañía, encaminado a
reducir los efectos sobre el medio ambiente en la menor
medida de lo posible. El plan se articula mediante un
programa de desarrollo constante en todas las ramas de
la compañía, de manera que el mayor número de elemen-
tos en nuestras hidrolimpiadoras afecten al medio ambien-
te de una manera mínima.

También el producto se caracteriza por la actitud de

ALTO hacia el entorno.

La mayor parte de los componentes plásticos incorpo-

rados, y primordialmente la carcasa, está hecha de
material plástico a base de polipropileno, el cual presenta
grandes ventajas ecológicas. La forma aplicada de la
sustancia puede regranularse; es decir que la sustancia
puede reciclarse a otros materiales plásticos.

A fin de asegurar las posibilidades de reciclamiento de

los materiales plásticos del producto, han sido marcados
con un símbolo de reciclado y el tipo de material.

Como parte de nuestra preocupación por los problemas

ambientales, la hidrolimpiadora ha sido diseñada para que
no precise mantenimiento; es decir que el aceite en la bomba a
presión no debe ser cambiado. El aceite se encuentra en un
sistema cerrado y sólo se cambia cuando se realice
eventualmente un trabajo de servicio a la máquina.

Se han aplicado para la fabricación de esta

hidrolimpiadora las técnicas de producción más
actuales en el campo de las tecnologías limpias.
Se ha mantenido a un mínimo la utilización de
materiales secundarios no esenciales. Además, al
llevarse a cabo el ensayo final del producto, se
recicla el agua consumida en la operación.


A politica ambiental da ALTO


A ALTO tornou a politica ambiental numa parcela

natural do conceito da empresa ao reduzir tanto quanto
possivel o efeito no nosso meio ambiente. Este plano é
levado a cabo através dum desenvolvimento constante
em todos os ramos da empresa , para que a maior parte
dos elementos que compõem as nossas máquinas de
lavar a alta pressão afectem cada vez menos o nosso
meio ambiente.

Este produto também se caracteriza pela atitude

tomada pela ALTO em relação ao meio ambiente.

A grande maioria dos componentes plásticos utilizados

e sobretudo a cabine é fabricada em material plástico de
poliprópilene amigo do ambiente. A forma da substância
utilizada pode ser regranulada, o que significa que a
substância pode ser utilizada noutros materiais plásticos

Para assegurar as possibilidades de reciclagem dos

materiais plásticos do produto, estes foram marcados com
o símbolo de reciclavel e com o tipo de material utilizado.

Também  é nossa preocupação para os problemas

ambientais que a máquina de lavar a alta pressão não

necessite de manutenção, isto é, o óleo existente na

bomba de alta pressão não necessita ser mudado. O

óleo encontra-se num sistema fechado e só  é

mudado em caso de reparação.

Para a produção desta máquina de lavar a alta

pressão foram utilizadas as mais recentes  técnicas

e tecnologias. O consumo de materias subsidiários

desnecessários foi minimizado, e durante o teste final

do produto a água do teste é reciclada.

La politica ambientale di ALTO


La riduzione massima dell’impatto ambientale è ormai

divenuta parte integrante del nostro concetto produttivo.
La nostra azienda porta avanti questo progetto a tutti i
livelli, con l’obiettivo di ridurre al minimo i componenti delle
nostre macchine che possono avere un effetto sull’ambi-

Anche la produzione di questi modelli è caratterizzata

dallo stesso atteggiamento di ALTO verso l’ambiente.

La maggior parte dei componenti plastici, a partire dalla

scocca, viene realizzata in polipropilene, un materiale
plastico che può essere riciclato dopo un’opportuna
macinazione e che è quindi estremamente ecologico.
Questa caratteristica è stata evidenziata con un contras-
segno sull’idropulitrice.

Un’altra nostra preoccupazione riguarda l’assenza di

manutenzione, infatti, la pompa utilizzata sull’idropulitrice
non necessita di sostituzione dell’olio, contenuto in un
circuito chiuso, se non per eventuali interventi di assist-

Per realizzare questo modello sono stati utilizzati

metodi e tecnologie d’avanguardia. Anche l’utilizzo di
materiali di scarto è stata ridotta al minimo; persino
l’acqua utilizzata per il collaudo finale viene riciclata.

balzi di pressione dal massimo al minimo

pressione molto più bassa del normale

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28-02-01, 11:24


Summary of Contents for 3840HA

Page 1: ...3840HA GB 4 19 D 20 35 F 36 51 NL 52 67 E 68 83 P 84 99 I 100 115 GR 116 131 3840HA_EU p65 28 02 01 11 24 1 ...

Page 2: ...nd technology has been applied The consumption of unnecessary subsidiary materials has been minimized and during the final test of the product the test water is recycled La politique d environnement de ALTO F Pour ALTO il était naturel d intégrer dans les concepts de base de la société une réduction importante des effets nuisibles à notre environnement Tous les départe ments de notre société s eff...

Page 3: ...necessita ser mudado O óleo encontra se num sistema fechado e só é mudado em caso de reparação Para a produção desta máquina de lavar a alta pressão foram utilizadas as mais recentes técnicas e tecnologias O consumo de materias subsidiários desnecessários foi minimizado e durante o teste final do produto a água do teste é reciclada La politica ambientale di ALTO I La riduzione massima dell impatto...

Page 4: ...cable 4 Water connection water inlet filter 5 Connection for high pressure hose 6 Hot water high pressure hose 7 Pressure gauge 8 Castor wheel with brake 9 Driving wheel 10 Winder for hose cable 11 Fuel filter 12 Fuel filling 13 Dosing unit for detergents 14 Suction hose for detergents 15 Placing of container for detergents 16 Start stop buttons 17 Temperature display 18 Temperature control 19 Fil...

Page 5: ...assification of tightness 1 Model 2 Type 3 Serial number 4 Production year 5 Capacity water volume 6 Max pressure opening pres sure for circulation valve 7 Working pressure 8 Max inlet pressure 1 2 Technical data Model 3840HA Pump pressure bar 195 Water volume min max pressure l min 16 14 6 Max pressure inlet water bar 10 Max temperature inlet water C 30 Water temperature C 801 1502 Fuel consumpti...

Page 6: radius of action ALTO highly recommend you to use an extension hose instead of an extension cable Where impracticable seek advice of a qualified electrician or the nearest ALTO distributor If you want to apply an extension cable when operating a three phase high pressure washer we re commend you to use the cable dimensions mentioned below The use of the stated cable dimensions implies that the ...

Page 7: ...ger of explosion 19 WARNING High pressure hoses nozzles and connections are important for safety when operating the machine Only use the high pressure steam hoses with an imprinted max temperature of 150 C nozzles and connections prescribed by ALTO 20 For safety reasons only use original ALTO accessories and spare parts 21 In icy conditions never start the cleaner until machine hoses and accessori...

Page 8: ...ervals Max water pressure 10 bar Let water run through the inlet hose to remove any impurities The water supply system must supply min 960 l h 16 l min If there is a risk of impurities i e running sand in the inlet water an external water filter should be mounted beyond the internal filter Please contact your ALTO distributor for further information NOTE Connection to the public mains according to...

Page 9: ...section 1 2 Technical data 6 Detergents dosing unit Only use ALTO detergents Use of aggressive detergents may damage equipment and affect the environment Flush with water after use Only use detergents or chemicals within the range of pH 5 5 8 5 Detergents can be added both under low pressure and high pressure through the built in dosing system 1 placed under the cover holder for container 2 Tip th...

Page 10: ...before the machine can be started see sec tion 6 1 If the is flashing the electronic control has ascertained that water is flushing through the machine Mount the high pressure hose and make sure that the spray handle is closed then check that the is constantly alight Now the machine can be started up by pressing the start button marked I IMPORTANT When the machine is in operation and the spray han...

Page 11: ...e temperature control 1 to the required temperature An indicator light on the temperature sensor 2 shows the actual temperature of the outlet water If the machine is put away immediately after hot water or steam operation it should be cooled off at first by cold water operation until the temperature is below 50 C IMPORTANT Adjustment at temperatures above 95 C should be made with released spray ha...

Page 12: ...urn the temperature control 1 to position cold water and activate the spray handle until the tempe rature 2 is below 50 C Then turn off the water supply and stop the machine by pressing stop button 3 marked 0 Now the high pressure hose can be detached 2 Automatic stop When the machine is in operation and the spray handle inactivated the machine will stop after approxi mately 40 sec The signal will...

Page 13: ...burner system as soon as possible Burner Override Mode is only to be used as a temporary solution 3 7 Transport directions For lifting by crane use lifting straps When transporting the machine lifting by crane a lifting strap should be used Place the straps by the castor wheel and the shaft of the driving wheels never under the tank Always fasten the machine securely during transport The brake of ...

Page 14: ...leaning is obtained from detergents in conjunction with high pressure cleaning For that purpose ALTO can offer you a series of products specially developed for high pressure cleaning eg Cleaning of vehicles machines stalls etc Disinfection Degreasing Maintenance of the high pressure washer Descaling The products are water based without phosphates and the applied tensides surface active substan ces...

Page 15: ... but as a starting point the following working method can be described for a job 1 Apply detergent under low pressure The dosage is chosen according to the job which is to be carried out and the adjustment is made on the dosing unit 2 Await acting time Let the detergent act on the dirt surface for a short time prior to pressure clean ing usually a few minutes 3 High pressure cleaning Clean all sur...

Page 16: ...op In this case a fault code will be shown on the display see section 7 0 Trouble shooting chart If the power fails the machine must be restarted 5 4 Burner system control system The burner system is surveyed and controlled by an electronic control unit with a built in micro processor The operational conditions of the incorporated components of the burner system is surveyed by sensors In conjuncti...

Page 17: ...Scale container 28 Steam stage system 29 Oil solenoid valve 30 Flame sensor 31 Phase sequence pressure switch Functional diagram GB 1 Quick coupling inlet 2 Water filter 3 Water tank 4 High pressure pump 5 Motor 6 Circulation valve 7 Injector 8 Circulation unit 9 Safety valve 10 Injector for detergents 11 Dosing unit for detergents 12 Filter for detergents 13 Double flow control system 14 Pressure...

Page 18: ...or medium quality i e less than 15dH German degree of hardness a descaling may not be required However on condition that the anti incrustant No Scale is always filled in If the hardness of the water is above 15dH the machine should be descaled at least once the year or as the occasion requires Scale deposits in the spray lance or reduced heat rating indicate that a de scaling is required Descaling...

Page 19: ...lug The burner of the boiler does not ignite Fuel tank empty Fill up with 5 l at least L No flame Check suction filter in fuel tank P 1 Phase sequence wrong Exchange two phase conductors in plug Send for an authorized electrician P 2 Fault in electronic system Send for a ALTO service technician C L F Fault in safety system Send for a ALTO service technician Continued operation with cold water see ...

Page 20: ...erating Instructions 4 Betriebsanleitung 4 Notice d utilisation 5 Gebruiksaanwijzing 5 Instrucciones de manejo 6 Instruções de operação 6 Istruzioni sull uso 7 Οδηγίε Οδηγίε Οδηγίε Οδηγίε Οδηγίες λ ς λ ς λ ς λ ς λειτ ειτ ειτ ειτ ειτο ο ο ο ουρ υρ υρ υρ υργία γία γία γία γίας ς ς ς ς 7 ...

Page 21: ...1 35 3 5 Spredevinkel højtryk lavtryk grader 25 65 Dysetype 05 Reaktionskraft max N 34 Lydtryksniveau ISO 11202 dB A 79 LES BRUKSVEILED NINGEN OG FØLG SIKKERHETSFOR SKRIFTENE Denne bruksveiledning er et vedlegg til bruksveiledning 40 H HA og inneholder alle informasjoner om de tekniske forskjeller mellom apparatene Følg alle forskrifter og veiledninger om bruken samt sikkerhetsforskriftene i den f...

Page 22: ...pridningswinkel högtryck lågtryck grader 25 65 Munstyckstyp 05 Reaktionskraft max N 34 Ljudnivå ISO 11202 dB A 79 LUE KÄYTTÖOHJE JA NOUDATA TURVALLISUUSOHJEITA Tämä käyttöohje on täydennys käyttöohjeisiin 40 H HA ja sisältää tiedot laitteiden teknisistä eroavaisuuksista Huomioi edellä mainittujen käyttöohjeiden kaikki ohjeet ja käyttövihjeet sekä turvallisuusmääräykset nnten Betriebsanleitung Tekn...

Page 23: ...l p mm 1 35 3 5 Spray angle h p l p degrees 25 65 Nozzle type 05 Thrust max N 34 Sound pressure ISO 11202 dB A 79 BETRIEBSANLEITUNG LESEN UND SICHERHEITS HINWEISE BEACHTEN Diese Betriebsanleitung ist ein Anhang zur Betriebs anleitung 40 H HA und enthält alle Informatio nen über die technischen Unterschiede der Geräte Beachten Sie alle Vor schriften und Nut zungshinweise sowie Sicher heitsbestimmun...

Page 24: ... NoScale l 1 Lance Diamètre buse hp bp mm 1 35 3 5 Angle de dispersion hp bp Grad 25 65 Typ de buse 05 Force de recul maxi N 34 Niveau de pression acoustique ISO 11202 dB A 79 GEBRUIKSAANWIJZING LEZEN EN DE VEILIGHEIDS INSTRUCTIES OPVOLGEN Deze gebruiksaanwijzing is een aanhangsel bij de ge bruiksaanwijzing 40 H HA en bevat alle informatie over de technische verschillen tussen de apparaten Neem al...

Page 25: ...a a p b p mm 1 35 3 5 Angulo de rociado a p b p 25 65 Tipo de boquilla 05 Empuje máx N 34 Nivel del sonido de presiòn ISO 11202 dB A 79 Ler o manual do usuário e observar as indicações de segurança Este manual do usuário é um anexo do manual do usuário 40 H HA e contém todas as informações sobre todas as diferenças técnicas dos aparelhos Observe todas as instruções e indicações de uso como também ...

Page 26: ...µε αι συµε αι συµε αι συµετ τ τ τ τέχ έχ έχ έχ έχει όλ ει όλ ει όλ ει όλ ει όλε ε ε ε ες τις ς τις ς τις ς τις ς τις π π π π πληροφορίε ληροφορίε ληροφορίε ληροφορίε ληροφορίες π ς π ς π ς π ς πο ο ο ο ου έχ υ έχ υ έχ υ έχ υ έχο ο ο ο ουν υν υν υν υν σχ σχ σχ σχ σχέσει µε τις τε έσει µε τις τε έσει µε τις τε έσει µε τις τε έσει µε τις τεχνικ χνικ χνικ χνικ χνικέ έ έ έ ές ς ς ς ς δια δια δια δια δι...

Page 27: ... 1 7 68 86 47 13 E mail sales alto uk com HONG KONG ALTO Hong Kong RM 602 Tower B Regent Ctr 70 Ta Chuen Ping Street Kwai Chung Hong Kong Tel 852 26 10 10 42 Fax 852 26 10 10 47 E mail waphk netvigator com JAPAN ALTO Danmark A S Japan Representative Office Naruse build 4F 7 2 Shinbashi 1 Chome Minato Ku J Tokyo 105 004 Tel 81 3 35 69 38 07 Fax 81 3 35 69 38 08 E mail alto jpn nifty com NETHERLANDS...

Page 28: ...rating Instructions 4 Betriebsanleitung 4 Notice d utilisation 5 Gebruiksaanwijzing 5 Instrucciones de manejo 6 Instruções de operação 6 Istruzioni sull uso 7 Οδηγίε Οδηγίε Οδηγίε Οδηγίε Οδηγίες λ ς λ ς λ ς λ ς λειτ ειτ ειτ ειτ ειτο ο ο ο ουρ υρ υρ υρ υργία γία γία γία γίας ς ς ς ς 7 ...

Page 29: ... 35 3 5 Spredevinkel højtryk lavtryk grader 25 65 Dysetype 055 Reaktionskraft max N 45 Lydtryksniveau ISO 11202 dB A 79 LES BRUKSVEILED NINGEN OG FØLG SIKKERHETSFOR SKRIFTENE Denne bruksveiledning er et vedlegg til bruksveiledning 40 HA MASTER og inneholder alle informasjoner om de tekniske forskjeller mellom apparatene Følg alle forskrifter og veiledninger om bruken samt sikkerhetsforskriftene i ...

Page 30: ...ridningswinkel högtryck lågtryck grader 25 65 Munstyckstyp 055 Reaktionskraft max N 45 Ljudnivå ISO 11202 dB A 79 LUE KÄYTTÖOHJE JA NOUDATA TURVALLISUUSOHJEITA Tämä käyttöohje on täydennys käyttöohjeisiin 40 HA MASTER ja sisältää tiedot laitteiden teknisistä eroavaisuuksista Huomioi edellä mainittujen käyttöohjeiden kaikki ohjeet ja käyttövihjeet sekä turvallisuusmääräykset nnten Betriebsanleitung...

Page 31: ... p mm 1 35 3 5 Spray angle h p l p degrees 25 65 Nozzle type 055 Thrust max N 45 Sound pressure ISO 11202 dB A 79 BETRIEBSANLEITUNG LESEN UND SICHERHEITS HINWEISE BEACHTEN Diese Betriebsanleitung ist ein Anhang zur Betriebs anleitung 40 HA MASTER und enthält alle Informatio nen über die technischen Unterschiede der Geräte Beachten Sie alle Vor schriften und Nut zungshinweise sowie Sicher heitsbest...

Page 32: ...NoScale l 1 Lance Diamètre buse hp bp mm 1 35 3 5 Angle de dispersion hp bp Grad 25 65 Typ de buse 055 Force de recul maxi N 45 Niveau de pression acoustique ISO 11202 dB A 79 GEBRUIKSAANWIJZING LEZEN EN DE VEILIGHEIDS INSTRUCTIES OPVOLGEN Deze gebruiksaanwijzing is een aanhangsel bij de ge bruiksaanwijzing 40 HA MASTER en bevat alle informatie over de technische verschillen tussen de apparaten Ne...

Page 33: ... a p b p mm 1 35 3 5 Angulo de rociado a p b p 25 65 Tipo de boquilla 055 Empuje máx N 45 Nivel del sonido de presiòn ISO 11202 dB A 79 Ler o manual do usuário e observar as indicações de segurança Este manual do usuário é um anexo do manual do usuário 40 HA MASTER e contém todas as informações sobre todas as diferenças técnicas dos aparelhos Observe todas as instruções e indicações de uso como ta...

Page 34: ... κ και συµε αι συµε αι συµε αι συµε αι συµετ τ τ τ τέχ έχ έχ έχ έχει όλ ει όλ ει όλ ει όλ ει όλε ε ε ε ες τις ς τις ς τις ς τις ς τις π π π π πληροφορίε ληροφορίε ληροφορίε ληροφορίε ληροφορίες π ς π ς π ς π ς πο ο ο ο ου έχ υ έχ υ έχ υ έχ υ έχο ο ο ο ουν υν υν υν υν σχ σχ σχ σχ σχέσει µε τις τε έσει µε τις τε έσει µε τις τε έσει µε τις τε έσει µε τις τεχνικ χνικ χνικ χνικ χνικέ έ έ έ ές ς ς ς ς δ...

Page 35: ... 1 7 68 86 47 13 E mail sales alto uk com HONG KONG ALTO Hong Kong RM 602 Tower B Regent Ctr 70 Ta Chuen Ping Street Kwai Chung Hong Kong Tel 852 26 10 10 42 Fax 852 26 10 10 47 E mail waphk netvigator com JAPAN ALTO Danmark A S Japan Representative Office Naruse build 4F 7 2 Shinbashi 1 Chome Minato Ku J Tokyo 105 004 Tel 81 3 35 69 38 07 Fax 81 3 35 69 38 08 E mail alto jpn nifty com NETHERLANDS...
