9. […F] – Feedback
After processing a command, an OK or ER will
be returned as feedback if "F" is included at the
end of a command string or if the unit ID is
10. […P] – Path
This command will set the path for the output,
but it is not active until the switch command,
[SW], is executed. Commands ending in "P" are
not executed immediately. The path for outputs
on multiple cards or the same card can be
loaded. See examples in ON and OFF
11. [SW] – Switch
The switch command immediately connects
inputs and outputs, which were previously set
with the path command on this card or any
other cards in the Enclosure.
The system will return feedback as OK if the
unit ID is zero.
12. [HELP]
This command displays all information available
for user Multi-Tasker interface commands.
13. [WR]
This command groups multiple cards in the
Enclosure. Each unit contains a maximum of
nine groups.
Command Format: [WRCn…GkUi]
Cn = card ID No. (n = slot # from 1 to 19)
(1-8 for MT100-101 or 1-4 for MT100-106)
Gk = group number (k = # from 1-9)
Ui = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
To group card #1, 2, and 3 as group 5 of unit
#1, send the [WRC1C2C3G5U1] command.
After executing this command, card 1, 2, and 3
will be grouped together as group 5 of unit 1
14. [CLR]
This command clears the members for a single
group or for all nine groups.
Command Format: [CLRGkUi]
Gk = group number (k = # from 1-9)
Ui = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
1) To clear group #1, send the [CLRG1U1]
command. This command clears the
members for the specified group only.
2) To clear all groups of unit 1, send the
U1] command.
15. [G]
This command is used to request group data.
With the command, the user can identify which
input or output of a particular group is on.
Command Format: [GkUi]
Gk = group number (k = # from 1-9)
Ui = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
If group 1 has DA Cards with output 1 and 2 on,
while group 2 has SW Cards with input 2 on:
will return feedback as
will return feedback as
16. [RD]
This command displays the members in each
Command Format: [RDGkUi]
Gk = group number (k = # from 1-9)
Ui = unit number (i = # from 0-9)
member = C1 - C19 (card 1 to 19)
(1-8 for MT100-101 or 1-4 for MT100-106)
To read member data for group 1 of unit 1,
send the [RD] command. The system will return
feedback as C1C2C19 G5U1.