E32.0.93.6C-02 Manual for connection and operation of the JDI-22 page 9 of 10
8. Error codes
When detecting an operating state which is not permissible, the device will display an error code
The following error codes are defined:
Exceeding of the measuring range
Indicates that the valid measuring range of the device has been exceeded.
Possible causes:
- Input signal to high.
- Sensor broken
- The error-message will be reset if the input signal is within the limits.
- check sensor
Values below the measuring range
Indicates that the values are below the valid measuring range of the device.
Possible causes:
- Input signal is to low
- Sensor shorted
- The error-message will be reset if the input signal is within the limits.
- Check sensor
Display range has been exceeded
Indicates that the valid display range (9999 digit) of the device has been exceeded.
Values below display range
Indicates that display value is below the valid display range of the device (-1999 digit).
The device features an integrated self-diagnostic-function which checks essential parts of the de-
vice permanently. When detecting a failure, error-message Err.7 will be displayed.
Possible causes:
- Valid operating temperature has exceeded o has fallen below the valid
temperature range.
- Device defective.
- Stay within valid temperature range.
- Exchange the defective device.
Sensor defective
The device features an integrated diagnostic-function for the connected sensor or transmitter.
When detecting a failure, error-message Err.9 will be displayed.
Possible causes:
- Sensor broken or shorted
- Check sensor or exchange defective sensor.
Er.11: Value could not be calculated
Indicates a measuring value, needed for calculation of the display value, is faulty or out of range.