Trouble Shooting
The procedures in these instructions are intended for use only by a certified electrician. Lay
persons should not attempt to trouble shoot the dryer and should contact their local electric
service technician.
Dryer does not turn on
1.Check power to the unit and connections. Verify if dryer is receiving the correct voltage at
the Terminal Block.
2. Check for loose, disconnected or improper wiring. Ensure sensor wires are all well con-
nected (refer to diagram sheet). If you have followed the 2 steps above and your dryer is still
not working, place your hands under the sensor and check for the following.
If LED blue light turns on, but it is not blowing air, you will need a new Circuit board.
If LED blue light DOES NOT turn on, t he Sensor and Program Board needs to be
replaced. If still not working after replacement, the Main Circuit Board will need
If after the above steps are followed and this dryer is still not working, you will need
a motor replacement.
Dryer does not shut off
1. It may be mounted too close to a counter or object and has gone into lockout.
2. Check for loose, disconnected or improper wiring at Control Assembly (refer to wiring
diagram sheet).
3. Replace Sensor and Program board.
Dryer does not always turn on, or turns on by itself
1. It may be mounted too close to a counter or object and has gone into lockout. If relocating
appliance is not possible, adjust the range of the Sensor.
2. Check for foreign material on Optical Sensor next to Air Outlet.
3. Check for loose, disconnected or improper wiring at Control Assembly (refer to wiring
diagram sheet)
4. Replace Sensor and Program Board.
Dryer Blows Only Cold Air
1. Check for loose connections to Heating Element (refer to wiring diagram sheet)
2. Replace Heating Element
Dryer Has Loss of Air Volume
1. Check motor speed setting on control (if supplied)
2. Check for slow running Motor or burning smell. If so, replace Motor
3. Check for lint buildup at the filter or air inlet holes. If so, replace filter and clean air inlet