3.0 Operating Instructions
This section covers day-to-day operation of the dewpoint meter.
3.1 Start
On power up, with the sensor connected, the unit will display the process value in dewpoint
(or PPM(v) if factory preset). Typical warm up time is 3 minutes.
3.2 Front Panel Display and Keys
P r i m a r y
D i s p l a y
O N w h e n
A l a r m 1 i s
a c t i v e
O N w h e n
A l a r m 2 i s
a c t i v e
S e c o n d a r y
D i s p l a y
D o w n
k e y
S c r o l l
k e y
P r o g r a m
k e y
R e s e t
k e y
Key / Display / Indicator
Primary Display
Normally displays the process Dewpoint/Moisture value. Operational programmed
parameters can be viewed by pressing the Programme key
The display will
indicate the parameter description for three seconds before showing the parameter
value. (Note: this function will only operate if the
Help Facility
is enabled - see
section 4, Dewpoint Meter Settings).
Secondary Display
This single character identifier highlights the parameter value being displayed -
not lit when normally displaying the process Dewpoint/ Moisture value.
Down key ( )
In Edit Mode, decrements the flashing/blinking digit in the Primary Display.
Scroll key ( )
Puts the Dewpoint meter into Edit Mode. In Edit Mode this key selects the digit to
be altered in Primary Display - digit selected for alteration flashs/blinks.
Program Key (
Selects parameter to be viewed/edited. In Edit Mode this key confirms edited
parameter value.
Reset Key (
When in normal display mode, pressing this key resets a latched alarm condition.
Also resets the Maximum (High) Value, Minimum (Low) Value or Alarm1
Elapsed Time, whichever parameter is displayed,
Down and Scroll Keys
( ) & ( )
When pressed simultaneously in Edit Mode, the unit will abort the Edit operation
and will restore the parameter to its initial value.
ALM 1 and ALM 2
LED Indicators lit (in all operation modes) when in alarm condition.
DS2000 User’s Manual
Page 9