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Chapter Three
Eagle 250 Owner's Manual, Revision 01
All of the proper conditions were probably assured before your computer was installed, and shouldn’t be
a problem unless you move the computer or change its surroundings. If you have any questions, contact
your dealer.
Physical maintenance of your computer is very simple: it’s mostly a matter of keeping it clean. You also
need to be sure to take proper care of the tape drive and tapes in your computer, and your diskette drive if
you have one.
Cleaning the Computer Cabinet
The computer main enclosure is sturdy painted sheet metal and plastic. A light dusting is the safest
cleaning procedure, and probably all it will require. If necessary, you can clean the enclosure as you
would any other painted surface, using a gentle detergent. Remember, however, that if any liquid gets
inside the enclosure, it could severely damage the computer.
Caring for Tape Drives and Tapes
Every Eagle 250 has some kind of tape drive for data backup, usually either a ¼” streaming tape drive or
a DAT (Digital Audio Tape) drive. As discussed later in this chapter, in case of a problem your backup
tapes can be the only thing between your business and data disaster, so it’s very important to take
excellent care of your tape drive and the tapes it uses.
Caring for the Drive
It is very important to clean the read/write head or heads of your tape drive periodically. How often to
clean the heads depends on the tape drive. For streaming tape drives, if you back up once a day, you
should clean the head at least once a week. For more frequent use, keep in mind:
When you use new tapes exclusively or often, clean the head after every two hours of tape drive
running time.
If you reuse tapes most of the time, clean the head after every eight hours of running time.
For the AM-626, AM-627, and AM-628 streaming tape drives, follow these cleaning procedures:
Dip a lint-free cotton swab in isopropyl alcohol (at least 91% strength)
The head is a brass-colored metal square that can be seen in the tape slot. Rub the surface of the
head with the moist cotton swab.
Rub the head with a dry swab to prevent residue buildup.
When cleaning tape drive heads, never use 70% rubbing alcohol. Make sure you use isopropyl
alcohol of at least 91% strength.