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Detailed Assembly Instructions
Step 1 – Prepare your mounting installation with a) galvanized 1 3/8” fence rail placed 3-4 feet in
ground, b) Steel tripod from Alpha Antenna, or c) any other similar conductive or non-conductive mast
that is no larger than 1 3/8” in diameter.
Step 2 – Lay the 6 tapered vertical antenna elements end to end flat on the ground. Insert each section
into the next until each element passes the slit of the other by ¼ inch, and secure each section with a
stainless steel clamp.
Step 3 – Place aluminum mounting plate hardware onto the supporting item in Step 1 & tighten the U-
Bolts that are circled below.
Step 4 – Mount the vertical antenna element into the U-Bolts opposite of those used to mount the
aluminum mounting plate. Here is where you will place the included rubber offsets circled around the
vertical element and under the associated U-Bolts on the mounting plate that are circled below.
Step 5 –
A) Place the o-ring connector that has red shrink tube, which feeds the Vertical element, over the top
bolt on the Alpha Match.
B) Place the o-ring connector that has red shrink tube, which feeds the single 25’ NVIS element (or five
35’ NVIS elements, but without the 25’ NVIS element), over the top bolt on the Alpha Match.
C) Secure the ring connectors in place with the included nut. Then pull these out as though they were
guy wires, and do not allow them the lay flat on the ground.