Tel:+86 592-6195619
Fax:+86 592-6195620
Add:NO.146-148 XingBeiEr Road, JiMei District, XiaMen. China.
Website Blocking by URL Address:
You can block access to certain websites by entering
their URL.
Website Blocking by Keyword:
You can block access to certain website by the keywords
contained in their webpage.
The default factory value of policy rules is "filtered". If the user chooses the default
policy rules for "refuse", and editing strategies to save or directly to save the settings. If
the strategy edited is the first, it will be automatically saved into the second, if not the
first, keep the original number.
Turn off the power of the router or reboot the router can cause a temporary failure
After the
failure of the router, if can not automatically synchronized NTP time server, you need to
recalibrate to ensure the correct implementation of the relevant period control function.
3.7.3 MAC Filter
Using MAC address for data filtering.
3.7.4 Packet Filter
This page can create firewall rules to protect your network from malicious attacks on Internet
network viruses.