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Step 1
Locate the 4 bottom rails, using the 2 longer rails as the back walls and 2 shorter rails as the front walls. Secure them together using 4x70mm
Step 2
Starting at the left-side corner, begin the wall assembly. Position a 17” wall section on the back rail and connect a 90° corner post using
6x120mm screws through the pre-drilled holes in the post. Next, add a 14” wall section without clips to the left-front rail,
securing it to the post using 6x120mm screws.
Step 3
Continue adding the remaining five 17” wall sections along the left-back rail, using a rubber mallet to secure
the tongue-and-groove fit. Add a 90° corner post to the back corner, again securing to the adjacent panel with
6x120mm screws. Continue adding 17” wall sections along the right-back rail. Note: This manual shows the 17”
wall section with vent hole as the final section on the rail, but you may locate the vent section anywhere on the
back rails.
Step 4
Install 90° corner posts to the remaining corner, securing it in
place using 6x120mm screws. Once in place, place the remain-
ing 14” wall section
clips on the front right-front rail
and push against the 90° corner post, using the 6x120mm
screws to secure in place. Finally, position the 14” wall sections
plastic clips against the 14” wall sections without plastic
clips on both front rails. Orient these wall sections so the
tapered side of the clip points upward.