ALM-032 - ‘MFX’
Sets the sampling frequency of the
delay line. Doubles delay time with
each step down.
Bit Depth
Sets bit depth of the delay line.
Sets the amount of feedback into the
delay buffer.
Flip Phase
Inverts the phase of the delay line.
High Cut
Sets the cut off frequency of a low
pass filter in the delay line.
Low Cut
Sets the cut off frequency of a high
pass filter in the delay line.
1. Use the ratio set between the Delay Time and the Tap Mult parameters to
greatly alter the rhythms of the repeats.
2. Try using the High / Low Cut filters and modulation to create distance between
the source and the echoes.
3. Modulating the Bandwidth parameter can have interesting melodic results.
4. Remember to experiment with all of the delay modes to find the most suitable
echo type for your patch!
Mod Depth
Sets the depth of modulation over the
delay time.
Mod Rate
Sets the rate of modulation over the
delay time.
Reverses playback of the delay buffer.