8 En
human life and health, safety and labor protection.)
- Insurance Directive users Low Voltage 73/32 / EEC, as amended by Directive 93/68 / EEC (HG457
/ 2003)
-the Requirements re- safety of European Directive 2001/95 / EC and standards EN 60065: 2002 /
A12: 2011 and EN 60950-1: 2006 / A12: 2011, on the level of decibels emitted by household
The product had been evaluated according to the following standards:
-Health: EN 50361;
-Safety: EN 301 489-1 v1.9.2, EN 301 489-3 V1.6.1, EN 301 489-7 v1.3.1, EN 301 489-17 v2.2.1,
EN 301 489-24 v1.5.1, EN 301 489-34 v1.4.1, EN 301 511 v9.0.2
-Radio spectrum
EN 300 328 v1.8.1, EN 300 440-1 V1.6.1, EN 300 440-2 V1.4.1, EN 301 908-1
v6.2.1, EN 301 908-2 v6.2.1
The conformity assesment procedure was done according to the 1999/5/CEE Directive (of the Annex
II of HG nr. 88/2003) the documentation being at S.C. Visual Fan S.R.L., Brasov , 61st Brazilor
Street, post code 500313 ,Romania at it will be put at disposal on demand. The product has the CE
mark applied. The conformity declaration is available at www.allviewmobile.com.
Cotuna Gheorghe