10 MIN. Access GENERAL SETUP first and select FOLDER of REPEAT MODE, Create folder in flash
card and named CADxx(such as, CAD01, CAD02 … CAD10), copy insertion files to these folders. The
insertion files of CADxx folder will be inserted in playing of root files one folder by one folder.
The system OSD can be switched to portrait display mode. Access CUSTOM SETUP and move to SCR
ROTATE, select ROT +90 or ROT -90 to switch portrait display mode. Menu and subtitle will be changed
to portrait display mode. Users have to arrange portrait video/photo files if using SCR ROTATE function.
The record file will be created automatically in playing, named log.txt in CF/SD/U-disk. There is exact
playing time of each file in log.txt, so it will make management easier.
The filename of brand must be named to TAIBIAO.LOG, the size must be100 x 32 pixels. The brand
must be in 256 color, index mode, BMP format, and must use ESS256_FULL.act as palette.
Brand making: Open picture in Photoshop, change size to 100 x 32 pixels, access Image – Mode –
Index color – Actions palette – Custom – Load – ESS256_FULL.act, then save file to BMP format,
change filename to TAIBIAO.LOG.
The default brand position is top left, can be changed to top right position in BRAND POS.
3.11 CF KEY
Support CF key, ON/OFF is optional status. Default setting is OFF. In ON mode, user has to input
password to play new content after update. The default password is 123456789.
Support remote lock, ON/OFF is optional status. Default setting is OFF. In ON mode, the player can be
controlled freely within 2 minutes, user has to input 6 bit password to control player 2 minutes later. The
default password is 666666, which can be changed to other password.