Disassembly Instructions
Document: CAM-303
Revision: 01
Date: June 7, 2012
7. Cylinder - 1min
Remove cylinder by placing one hand on can of cylinder and hit the bottom of the mechanism
with hammer until cylinder separates from mechanism.
8. Mechanism - 2min
Turn the chair upside down so the bottom is visible. Locate the four fasteners located on the
underside of the seat pan or seat slider and unfasten. Remove mechanism from the seat
pan or seat slider.
9. Seat - 2min
Turn the chair upside down so the bottom is visible. Locate the four fasteners located on the
underside of the seat slider or seat pan and unfasten. Remove seat from the mechanism or
seat slider.
10. Seat Slider - 1min
Turn the chair upside down so the bottom is visible. Locate the four fasteners located on the
underside of the seat pan and unfasten. Remove seat slider from seat pan.