Goldeye G/CL Technical Manual V4.1.1
false and Idle is true. In this case, trigger latency and trigger jitter can take the
values shown in Table 118 .
Triggering during the readout state
For applications requiring the fastest triggering cycle time during which the camera
image sensor is exposing and reading out simultaneously, then the User trigger
signal should be applied as soon as a valid trigger Ready is detected. In this case,
trigger latency and trigger jitter can take the values shown in Table 119 .
Trigger latency on LineIn1 (TTL)
0.6 µs (max)
Trigger latency on LineIn2 (opto-isolated)
3.5 µs (max)
Trigger jitter on both LineIn1 and LineIn2
1 pixel (max)
Table 118: Trigger latency and trigger jitter during the idle state
Trigger latency on LineIn1 (TTL)
1 line (max) + 0.6 µs (max)
Trigger latency on LineIn2 (opto-isolated)
1 line (max) + 3.5 µs (max)
Trigger jitter on both LineIn1 and LineIn2
1 pixel (max)
Table 119: Trigger latency and trigger jitter during the readout state
Application notes - Triggering concept for GigE camera (advanced)
For a more detailed description of the trigger concept for advanced users and
special scenarios, see the application notes on the Allied Vision knowledge base
web page:
Triggering concept for Allied Vision GigE cameras
Using ITR and IWR mode to maximize the framerate of Goldeye cameras