For telecommuters and roamers who Dial-In, you have the option of allowing
PPP to assign the telecommuter (or PPP client) an IP address automatically or to
assign a particular IP address. The check boxes entitled “Use the default IP
address for Remote Computer” and “Use the following IP address for the Remote
Computer” allow the user to select between these two options. If “Use the default
IP address for Remote Computer” is checked (default), the remote computer will
be assigned the IP address of If “Use the following IP address for the
Remote Computer” is checked, the IP address that is entered in the IP address
dialog box is assigned. Any IP address that is on a different subnet from the LAN
(default subnet) is allowed. Normally, this parameter need not
be changed from the default.
Press Next> to advance to the next screen.
DNS Configuration
Use this screen to enter the domain name and IP address of the DNS Server used
by the ISP. This information is provided by the ISP. This information is required
only if the DHCP server is being utilized. The DHCP server will provide the DNS
information collected from this screen to all the DHCP clients. The DHCP Server
may be disabled by selecting the Disable DHCP Server option. When the Disable
DHCP Server is selected, the DNS Configuration information is not required and
may be left blank.