MIB Support
The following Management Information Base (MIB) protocols are
supported by ATI’s AT-4016F Omega Management Software.
SNMP MIB2 (RFC 1213)
Ethernet MIB (RFC 1643)
Partial Bridge MIB (RFC 1493)
Ethernet-to-Ethernet Switch
Your AT-4016F combines Ethernet-to-Ethernet device switching with
Ethernet-to-ATM backbone/server connectivity. As such, it provides
user-programable capabilities that can screen data packets based on
several user-defined criteria including port (or protocol) criteria.
Additional user-programmable capabilities provide:
Enhanced network security
Improved network performance
Greater network traffic control
For example, your switch can be programmed to restrict access to a
specific network segment or device, or to limit multicast traffic. In short,
the user-programmable capabilities of your switch can be used to establish
virtual LANs which, in turn, allows physical segments to be dynamically
assigned to logical workgroups.
ATM Addresses
ELAN membership requires ATM addresses.
That is, ATM addresses are used by each device attached to your LEC to
register and acknowledge membership to an ELAN. Specifically. ELAN
assignment is based upon an address registration which consists of a
network prefix, a Media Access Control (MAC) address (also known as
Ethernet addresses) and a selector byte.
[network prefix] [MAC address] [selector byte]
The network prefix is determined through the ILMI protocol.
[network prefix] [MAC address] [selector byte]
During the AT-4016Fpower on cycle, internal tests are automatically run
to test the integrity of the CPU and memory. After the tests are
successfully completed, a request is sent to the ATM switch for a network
prefix assignment.