ENGLISH 15.09.07
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FEELING – GROUPE ALLIAURA MARINE – BP 231 – 85106 Les Sables d’Olonne Cedex -France
Tel 33 (0)2 51 21 18 83 Fax 33 (0)2 51 96 91 95 – http//:www.alliaura.com
There is no single standard for mandatory safety equipment across the European Community. You
should find out about current national requirements for CE-marked vessels.
In France, pleasure craft bearing the CE mark must carry the stipulated safety equipment for the
yachtsman’s chosen sailing category, within the following limits:
Design category
Possible sailing categories
C 4.5.6
D 6
Your boat must be equipped with a life-raft; read the instruction manual carefully. The crew must be
made familiar with the use of all the safety equipment (harnesses, flares, life-raft, etc.). Sailing
schools and clubs regularly organize training sessions.
16. Handling, transporting, haulout
When craning, take care that slings are correctly positioned and do not foul the propeller, prop shaft
or fragile transducers.
Lifting frames must be wide enough, or fitted with spreaders, so as to avoid applying excessive
lateral pressure on the rubbing strakes.
Avoid allowing slings to foul the life-lines. During haul-out and transport, the keel must be in
“shallow draft” position, resting on the keel-block provided for it, and supporting the majority of the
boat’s weight.
Cradle pads must be positioned against structural elements and exert only the pressure necessary for
the boat to be properly balanced.
Take advantage of the opportunity provided by haul-outs to inspect the propeller, rudder, skin
fittings, and transducers.