All For Your Long Life
Filter replacement
Push up the filter, rotate
counter clockwise
Remove filter and install
new filter
What factors affect the
quantity and the quality
of the water production?
There are four major variables to consider
1. Pressure : The greater the water pressure, the better water
quantity and quality it produced. Water pressure of 60 PSI is
2. Temperature : 25-35
C is the ideal water temperature
3. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) : The higher the amount of dissolved
contaminants in the water, the lower the quantity of water
4. Filter : Different filter have different characteristics such as water
flowrate, water quality. Water Putifier Series Oasis use high
quality filter which give high water flowrate that enough for
produce safe to drink purified water.
What does the Laguna
water purifier drinking
water taste like?
The taste of the water depends on the amount of contaminants in the
tap water. If 95% of dissolved minerals and chemicals are removed,
the water produced may taste like distilled water (no minerals),
natural spring water (moderate mineral content).
How will the Laguna
water puifier water affects
mixed beverages?
Oasis water purifier eliminates soluble contaminants that mask
flavor, it allows the natural taste of your beverages to come through.
You will be able to use less coffee and still get the full flavor.
Concentrated beverages like orange juice will taste tangier.