Renaissance Theatre
Section II
Your new Renaissance™ Theatre organ has the most advanced authentic sounding tremulant
system in the world today. In addition to digitally sampling the individual ranks without tremulant,
Allen also sampled individual ranks with tremulants on. When more than one rank is on the same
tremulant system in a pipe organ the tremulant sound that results from the playing of the pipes is not
identical from rank to rank. Each rank “reacts” to the varying supply of wind (tremulant) differently.
With this in mind, Allen sampled each rank of the Renaissance™ Theatre organs with tremulant “on”
to reproduce the authentic tremulant sound you hear. As a result, even stops that are “ganged”
together on one tremulant stop or tremulant motor will have a different tremulant sound. This
Sampled Waveform Tremulant™ technology contributes to the huge ensemble sound of these
Renaissance™ Organs.
For a listing of all tremulant stop controls and tremulant motor numbers please turn to Appendix ii
starting on page 18 at the end of this booklet.
The GW4 has separate expression pedals for Percussion, Main, and Solo. The GW319 and R311
have Main and Solo expressions while the R211 has one overall expression shoe. The audio systems
in your installation should be set up with the Main on the left and Solo on the right if possible. The
percussion channels (GW4) should be in the center.
The expression shoes change the volume of what stops are engaged; however, the Crescendo pedal
adds stops as you depress the pedal. The Crescendo pedal on the GW4 and the GW319 has two
“settings.” In its primary setting, the crescendo builds the organ to a moderately loud combination.
The “B” Crescendo setting (engaged by pressing the Crescendo “B” piston) is set as a theatre organ
type “stab.” This is used as an accent. The strings come on first followed by the brassy reed stops.
Crescendo B is a “secondary” Crescendo that can be programmed by the organist or Allen
representative. Refer to the Renaissance Console Controller
and MIDI Guide, (AOC P/N 033-099)
Section B-3, Page 14, to change the settings of this second Crescendo.
(not available on the R211)
A division or divisions of stops and couplers that sound by depressing the keys on the
Accompaniment or Great(GW319 and GW4 only) manuals all the way down. This device is useful for
counter-melodies or accents and can be found only on Theatre organs.