Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-RM100F-EN-P - October 2018
Chapter 2
Replacement Considerations with ControlLogix 5580 and GuardLogix 5580 Systems
Minimum Requirements
The 5580 controllers have these minimum requirements.
ControlLogix Controllers Minimum Requirements
GuardLogix Controllers Minimum Requirements
Requirement, Minimum
ControlLogix 5570 Controller
ControlLogix 5580 Controller
1756-A4, 1756-A7, 1756-A10, 1756-A13, 1756-A17
Series A, Series B, and Series C
1756-A4, 1756-A7, 1756-A10, 1756-A13, 1756-A17
0 °C < Ta < +60 °C (+32 °F < Ta < +140 °F) for Series C Chassis
0 °C < Ta < +50 °C (+32 °F < Ta < +122 °F) for Series B Chassis
Programming Software
Studio 5000 Automation Engineering & Design Environment®,
Version 21.00.00 or later
RSLogix 5000® Software Version 20.00.00 or later
Studio 5000 Logix Designer® Application Version 28.00.00 or later
Requirement, Minimum
GuardLogix 5570 Controller
GuardLogix 5580 Controller
1756-A4, 1756-A7, 1756-A10, 1756-A13, 1756-A17
Series A, Series B, and Series C
1756-A4, 1756-A7, 1756-A10, 1756-A13, 1756-A17
Operating in SIL 2/PL d Configuration:
0 °C < Ta < +60 °C (+32 °F < Ta < +140 °F) for Series C Chassis
Note: If operating above +55 °C (+131 °F), modules greater than
6.2 W shall not be installed in slots adjacent to the controller.
Operating in SIL 3/PL e Configuration:
0 °C < Ta < +60 °C (+32 °F < Ta < +140 °F) for Series C Chassis
0 °C < Ta < +50 °C (+32 °F < Ta < +122 °F) for Series B Chassis
Programming Software
Studio 5000 Automation Engineering & Design Environment,
Version 21.00.00 or later
RSLogix 5000 Software Version 20.00.00 or later
Studio 5000 Logix Designer Application Version 31.00.00 or later