ControlNet Daughtercard
Publication 1788-IN002C-EN-P - April 2004
Setting the Node Address
You must set two switch assemblies to configure the daughtercard with its unique network
address. Figure 1 shows the location of the switches. These switches are read on powerup to
establish the network address of the card.
Set the node address to a value between 01 and 99. For optimum throughput, assign
addresses to your ControlNet nodes in a sequential order starting with 01.
Node address 00 is not a valid ControlNet address. You should only use node address 00 if
the product that uses the ControlNet daughtercard has the ability to set the node address
using the host device interface.
This feature is typically used on products that do not allow easy customer access to the node
address switches. If you set the node address switch to 00, it allows the host in which the
daughtercard resides to set the node address, rather than allowing the daughtercard to read
the node address from the switch settings.
Figure 1 Setting the Node Address
node address
network status indicators (A and B)
network status indicators (A and B)
channel A connector
channel A connector
channel B connector