FLEX I/O Isolated Output HART Analog Module
Publication 1794-IN120D-EN-P - September 2015
Status Indicator
The OK status indicator is bicolor, red, and green. The indicator flashes green for these
The module configuration word is zero (for example, powerup reset condition).
The 24V DC user power is off.
The module is in Configuration mode.
The indicator displays red to indicate the module did not pass the initial hardware test.
Recycle power in response to this display.
After powerup, if the status indicator is not flashing green or solid green, recycle module
power to verify a proper reset of the bus interface.
CHn: HART Field Device Status
(HART CMD 3 Response second status byte)
Refer to User Manual
CHn HART Loop Status
Bit 0 = HART Enable
Bit 1 = Device Connected
Bit 2 = Response Error
Bit 3 = CMD 48 Update
Bit 4 = HART Loop Tolerance Error
Bit 5 = HART Update
Bit 6 = HART Message
Bit 7 =
0 = Disabled
0 = Not connected
0 = No HART message
0 = CMD 48 not updated
0 = No HART current fault
0 = HART device
information not updated
0 = No new message
1 = Enabled
1 = Connected
1 = Response ended in
1 = CMD 48 updated
1 = HART current fault
1 = HART device
information updated since
last read
1 = HART user message
queue has completed a
PVA — The primary variable for this channel has been acquired.
SVA — The secondary variable for this channel has been acquired.
TVA — The tertiary variable for this channel has been acquired.
FVA — The fourth (quaternary) variable for this channel has been acquired.