Publication 1746-5.16
For More Information
As part of our effort to preserve, protect, and improve our environment,
Allen-Bradley is reducing the amount of paper we use. Less paper means more
options for you. In addition to traditional printed publications and CD-ROM
versions, we now offer on-line manuals with the most up-to-date information you
can get. We recommend that you read the related publications listed below before
starting up your control system.
Related Publications
If you would like a manual, you can:
• download a free electronic version from the internet:
• purchase a printed manual by:
— contacting your local distributor or Rockwell Automation
— visiting www.theautomationbookstore.com and placing your order
— calling 1.800.963.9548 (USA/Canada) or
001.330.725.1574 (Outside USA/Canada)
Refer to this Document
Pub. No.
A more detailed description on how to
configure and program the High-Speed
Counter Module.
High-Speed Counter Module
User Manual
A more detailed description on how to install
and use your modular SLC 500 system.
SLC 500 Modular Hardware
Style Installation and
Operation Manual
A reference manual that contains status file
data, instruction set, and troubleshooting
SLC 500 and MicroLogix
1000 Instruction Set
Reference Manual
A CD-ROM containing both of the manuals
listed above, plus the:
•SLC 500 Analog I/O Modules User Manual
•Discrete I/O Modules Installation Instructions
•Discrete I/O Modules Product Data
SLC 500 Literature Collection
Allen-Bradley HMIs