Rockwell Automation Publication 1444-UM001D-EN-P - June 2018
Chapter 2
Install the Dynamix 1444 Series Monitoring System
Local Bus Connection (Main/Expansion)
A Common-bus runs along the base parts of the main and its associated
expansion modules, which interconnect with ribbon cable. It integrates the
• Serial (communication) bus - between the main and its associated
expansion modules
• Power bus - expansion modules are powered from the module base
• Tacho bus - the TSC provides up to two tacho signal outputs
The system is installed with an associated expansion module that is fitted to
the right side of the module. The base-mounted headers are latched and, for
additional security, cannot be removed (or inserted) while there is a module in
place on that base.
Figure 3 - Expansion Base Part with Left and Right Ribbon Cable Fitted
The DIP switch towards the bottom of
module bus address so that a like-for-like expansion module replacement
retains the earlier address.
Only the Relay Expansion module uses the DIP switch address. Up to three
relay modules can be used per main (host) module.
To install, join the bases of a module and its associated expansion modules by
connecting the right side of one to the left side of the next by using the supplied
ribbon cables. These cables are included with each main and expansion module
terminal base. Continue these interconnections across all modules that are
intended to share the tacho bus of a TSC module, and note the following:
• One tacho bus can support a maximum of six main modules
• One (and only one) TSC Expansion module can be used per tacho bus
(1) While the serial and power buses are specific to one DYN module and its associated expansion modules, the tacho bus extends to
serve tacho signals to multiple main modules.
Right ribbon towards next
expansion module or the left
side of the next (non-host)
main module.
Left ribbon
towards host
DYN module.