Allen & Heath M-Waves / User Guide
Three windows on the right side of the Clock control panel help you to quickly assess the network status of the device.
When the device is a slave in the SoundGrid network, you will likely sync it to the SoundGrid network clock (via SOE).
Even when the device is an SOE slave, you can lock it to an external clock source. For example, if another SoundGrid
I/O device is the SOE master and is locked to a word clock device, you may choose to receive clock from the same
external device over word clock from the master device rather than via network SOE.
Reports the presence or absence of sync between the unit and the SoundGrid network
Current Clock
Displays the current sync method. This may differ from the choice made in the Source menu
Indicates whether this unit is the master or a slave in the SoundGrid network. This mirrors the status
information in the SoundGrid Studio Device Rack