ALXB10x User Manual
Alinket Electronic Technology (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.
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AP parameter configuration
The following parameters of the target router that ALXB10x connect to need to be filled in:
The broadcast name of wireless router;
The password for accessing wireless router;
Security Mode
The encryption mode of wireless router;
After that, click “Write”, then click “OK” on the pop-up window. To ensure the success of
configuration, please make sure to click “Software Reset” to restart ALXB10x. After the connection
is re-
established, the current setting can be obtained by clicking “Read”. Click “Clear” can clear the
text in the input boxes, as shown in the figure below:
1) ALXB10x supports 2.4G or 5G frequency bands, but the two frequency bands cannot be
available at the same time. The selection of specific working frequency band depends
on the external router counterpart to which ALXB10x is connected to.
2) Password input only supports English characters and numbers, while Chinese
characters are not supported.