1001 Perry Street • Algoma, Wisconsin 54201
920.487.5221 • 1.800.678.8910 • FAX 920.487.3636
www.algomahardwoods.com • sales
Door 43
face veneer
and medium density
Special sound dampening
core with multi-ply skin
See text below
for Stile and Rail
Algoma’s Acoustical doors were tested
as operating units in a complete system
with hollow metal framing back-filled
with mortar, gasketing, drop seal and
threshold, where applicable — the
same as supplied to the jobsite — thus
ensuring that the specified STC ratings
are achieved.
Sound Transmission Class (STC)
40 Acoustical doors should be used
wherever the degree of sound
insulation desired is higher than an
ordinary solid core door can provide.
If a still higher degree of sound
reduction is required, such as in
hospitals, doctors’ offices or conference
rooms, the STC 45 Acoustical door may
be specified.STC 43 Acoustical doors
are available for openings which require
both sound control and 1/3-hour fire
When job requirements include doors
with glass openings, STC 39 Acoustical
doors are available, non-labeled.
And for communicating doors, a STC-
54 rating is achieved when two STC-40
Acoustical doors are installed back-to-
back in the same opening.
Testing was conducted by Riverbank
Acoustical Laboratories in accordance
with ASTM E90-90 and E413-87.
Algoma uses only face veneers
at least .020
" (0.5mm) thick at
12% moisture content.
" (44mm)
Maximum size
Non-labeled singles up to 4'0" x 10'0" (1220 x 3050mm) and pairs up to 8'0" x 10'0". In FD
hour, 4'0" x 8'0" (1220 x
2440mm) singles and 8'0" x 8'0" in STC-28 and STC-43. STC ratings not verifiable in pairs. STC-43 available in 1/3 hour
Category B.
Stiles (Edge bands)
" (124mm) prior to factory trimming, veneer banded.
Special edge treatments
Polymer edges for better impact resistance available.
Top & bottom rails
" (124mm) prior to factory trimming. Structural composite lumber.
Special core construction with acoustical dampening materials.
Hardware Reinforcement
None required.
All foreign and domestic species and medium density overlay. Face veneers are a minimum of .020" (0.5mm) thick at 12%
moisture content. All faces to be per WDMA I.S.1-A face grades unless otherwise specified.
Doors constructed using water-resistant adhesives (Type 2).
Veneer matching
Pairs or matching transoms non-labeled. Note: Pairs and door/transom units have not been tested and may not
maintain STC ratings.
STC 39 doors with acoustical lites not to exceed 400 sq. in. (0.258m
) visible glass with an acoustical lite kit, gasketing
and double-glazed glass. Factory glazing required. Applied molding not available. Lites not allowed in fire rated STC-43.
Available with hinge and lock machining as well as other hardware. Factory machined for drop seal.
Available in finishes with performance characteristics equivalent to WDMA System TR-6, standard or custom
colors. Also available primed, sealed, or sealed top and bottom edges only. Opaque finish (OP-6) on medium density overlay
For interior, full warranty for life of original installation.
Standards met or exceeded
WDMA I.S.1-A Series, ARCHITECTURAL WOOD FLUSH DOORS. Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards Section 1300,
Architectural Flush Doors and Section 1500, Factory Finish. Tested by Riverbanks Acoustical Laboratories in accordance with
ASTM E90-90 and E413-87 as operating units rather than “sealed in place.” STC ratings are verifiable only on single doors.
Special services
Gasketing and drop seal are supplied with doors. Threshold supplied with STC 45, STC 43 and STC 39 doors.
Positive Pressure
Category B
: Singles and pairs require a category G edge seal applied to the frame. Pairs also require a category G edge seal
applied to one of the meeting edges.
Product Features
SR Acoustical & Acoustical FD
Hour Door
(Neutral or Positive Pressure)
STC 40/STC 45
STC 43 with 1/3 Hour Label
STC 39 with Lite Opening