Sample Configurations
This section contains sample filesystem configurations using the database interface
and file loader implementations available in the JLAN Server kit.
The following sample configuration uses a Cloudscape/Derby database to hold the
filesystem structure details and stores the file data and directory structure on the local
filesystem, at N:\DerbyFileSys.
<diskshare name="DerbySimple" comment="Derby db filesystem”">
The following sample configuration uses a mySQL database to hold the filesystem
structure, load/save queues and file data. The file data is stored using BLOB fields.
The configuration enables the packing of small files into Jar files which are then stored
as a single file within the database.
When files are opened the file data will be copied to temporary cache files in the
N:\msqltemp\ directory.
<diskshare name="MySQLBlob" comment="MySQL virtual filesystem">