Alfa Romeo 1750 Berlina Instruction Book Download Page 17 - For Free Distribution - 17 of 84

Summary of Contents for 1750 Berlina

Page 1: ...DuettoInfo com For Free Distribution 1 of 84...

Page 2: ...particularly dangerous as beingit color less odorlessand tasteless its presence is vervdifficull to detect It is a good ruleto keepa recordof the symbolstampedon the key handle 19nition and antitheft...

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Page 4: ...third parties nor does il cover soare oarts The guaranteecovers the free repair of or lree supply and replacement of any parts found to be unserviceable because ol an acknowledgsd defoct ol matellals...

Page 5: ...third parties nor does il cover soare oarts The guaranteecovers the free repair of or lree supply and replacement of any parts found to be unserviceable because ol an acknowledgsd defoct ol matellals...

Page 6: ...ons 37 Valve timing 39 Fuel feed 42 lgnition 46 Cooling system CHASSISMAINTENANCE 50 Clutch 52 Gearbox 53 Propellershaft 54 Rear axle 55 Front suspension 56 Rear suspension 57 Steering gear and linkag...

Page 7: ...ons 37 Valve timing 39 Fuel feed 42 lgnition 46 Cooling system CHASSISMAINTENANCE 50 Clutch 52 Gearbox 53 Propellershaft 54 Rear axle 55 Front suspension 56 Rear suspension 57 Steering gear and linkag...

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Page 10: ...gals 12 1gals 1 6 1 8 gals Engine i when tul Jfr t 0 I danser level Gearbox Differential Steering box This qlanlily is thal needed for regular chanqrnq The rotal amounl ol oil In lhe circuit sumP lll...

Page 11: ...gals 12 1gals 1 6 1 8 gals Engine i when tul Jfr t 0 I danser level Gearbox Differential Steering box This qlanlily is thal needed for regular chanqrnq The rotal amounl ol oil In lhe circuit sumP lll...

Page 12: ...Bloweroperation warningirghl 13 Alternator warninglight 14 Tachometer 15 Speedometer 16 Exlernallight warning 17 Headlamphigh beam warning light 18 Fuel reservewarninglght 19 FLrel levelindicator 20 E...

Page 13: ...steering is locked to engage the lock properly slightly rotate the wheel in both directions Nevgl Yrllhd aw the key before lhe car has qome to a complele stop as the sleering lock condition may occur...

Page 14: ...steering is locked to engage the lock properly slightly rotate the wheel in both directions Nevgl Yrllhd aw the key before lhe car has qome to a complele stop as the sleering lock condition may occur...

Page 15: ...p since when the engine is cold lhe oil cannot reach all points requiring lubrication Make sure the oll pressuje shown by the gauge is as prescribed and the oil pressure warning Iight goes off as soon...

Page 16: ...p since when the engine is cold lhe oil cannot reach all points requiring lubrication Make sure the oll pressuje shown by the gauge is as prescribed and the oil pressure warning Iight goes off as soon...

Page 17: ...surgwlth a hot englne and al maxlmumrsvolullonrshould frll bolow llmlt shownon page 33 Ci ck the low pre3eulewarnlng llghl see page 10 tt on ll l rn Indlcdlon ol s lrouble In the lubdcatlng sydem In t...

Page 18: ...surgwlth a hot englne and al maxlmumrsvolullonrshould frll bolow llmlt shownon page 33 Ci ck the low pre3eulewarnlng llghl see page 10 tt on ll l rn Indlcdlon ol s lrouble In the lubdcatlng sydem In t...

Page 19: ...tion ol controlsand air outlels reler lo page 18 From A air enieG through a F for windscreendemisting warm and fresh air a G for ventilationand heating a H lor venlilation Contiols a The arr admitted...

Page 20: ...tion ol controlsand air outlels reler lo page 18 From A air enieG through a F for windscreendemisting warm and fresh air a G for ventilationand heating a H lor venlilation Contiols a The arr admitted...

Page 21: ...ratjonsshow some examplesof ou et positions The ouilets can be rotated bV hand as desired How to use your car Venlilating oullels Fresh air Fresh or warm aar LEVERDOWN O P E N I Windscreen and front w...

Page 22: ...ratjonsshow some examplesof ou et positions The ouilets can be rotated bV hand as desired How to use your car Venlilating oullels Fresh air Fresh or warm aar LEVERDOWN O P E N I Windscreen and front w...

Page 23: ...s of the rear seals are two ash lrays They can be removed for emptying by pressing down the small central spring inside the ash tray How to use your car a The positioningol the front seats is controll...

Page 24: ...s of the rear seals are two ash lrays They can be removed for emptying by pressing down the small central spring inside the ash tray How to use your car a The positioningol the front seats is controll...

Page 25: ...the backrests by rotating the knob qn g6s outboard side of seats How to use your car SHOULDER Provisionis made for the titting ol salety belts to fronl seats Suitablyreinforcedattachmentpoints are lo...

Page 26: ...the backrests by rotating the knob qn g6s outboard side of seats How to use your car SHOULDER Provisionis made for the titting ol salety belts to fronl seats Suitablyreinforcedattachmentpoints are lo...

Page 27: ...r emptying by pressing down the small central spring inside the ash tray 26 Rear door 27 The bonnetopens oppositetraveldirec lion lo releasethe catch pull the lever under the dashboard see page 10 The...

Page 28: ...r emptying by pressing down the small central spring inside the ash tray 26 Rear door 27 The bonnetopens oppositetraveldirec lion lo releasethe catch pull the lever under the dashboard see page 10 The...

Page 29: ...he nuts clockwise to unscrew O right handwheels turn lhe nuts anti clockwiseto unscrew Raisethe car by insertingthe jack arm in the special socket on the underside of the body longitudinalmember Befor...

Page 30: ...he nuts clockwise to unscrew O right handwheels turn lhe nuts anti clockwiseto unscrew Raisethe car by insertingthe jack arm in the special socket on the underside of the body longitudinalmember Befor...

Page 31: ...ller element Greaseignitiondistribuior Greasepropellershalt universaljoinls A Change gearbox oil Grease the linkage joinrs a hinges ol Grease llexible shalts 5 5 s s s g E EFE C FBgERgEE F i F v x g B...

Page 32: ...ller element Greaseignitiondistribuior Greasepropellershalt universaljoinls A Change gearbox oil Grease the linkage joinrs a hinges ol Grease llexible shalts 5 5 s s s g E EFE C FBgERgEE F i F v x g B...

Page 33: ...dAlfa Romeo Service Station must be consulled to trace and remedy the fault Lubricatingcircuattaults are indicatedby a red warning light too see page 16 Oil pressu es with hot engine Enotnerunntndta3r...

Page 34: ...dAlfa Romeo Service Station must be consulled to trace and remedy the fault Lubricatingcircuattaults are indicatedby a red warning light too see page 16 Oil pressu es with hot engine Enotnerunntndta3r...

Page 35: Check hoses of cooling circuit and healing system and eplace il necessary Change brake fluid or once a year which Checl sleering linka9e for play Replace air lilter element more trequenlly when dri...

Page 36: Check hoses of cooling circuit and healing system and eplace il necessary Change brake fluid or once a year which Checl sleering linka9e for play Replace air lilter element more trequenlly when dri...

Page 37: ...o that the clearance is lhe correct one shown in the diagram To lacilitate this adjustmentthe pads are made availablein a series of thicknessesranging from 1 3 to 3 5 mm 05to 14 in in increments of 02...

Page 38: ...o that the clearance is lhe correct one shown in the diagram To lacilitate this adjustmentthe pads are made availablein a series of thicknessesranging from 1 3 to 3 5 mm 05to 14 in in increments of 02...

Page 39: ...ragm con 3 Ouilel valve 4 Push rod oPerat ing th6 pump 8 Pressureregulat Chain tenslon adjuslment l8 t D Air titter The air filter is equipped with a pleated element ofiering the maxi mum fillering su...

Page 40: ...ragm con 3 Ouilel valve 4 Push rod oPerat ing th6 pump 8 Pressureregulat Chain tenslon adjuslment l8 t D Air titter The air filter is equipped with a pleated element ofiering the maxi mum fillering su...

Page 41: ...m carburettors Slacken the screws F and S almost lully Operatethe throttlesa few limes making sure that there is no bind ng Fully depress the lhrottle control lever of rear carbureltorso that the thro...

Page 42: ...m carburettors Slacken the screws F and S almost lully Operatethe throttlesa few limes making sure that there is no bind ng Fully depress the lhrottle control lever of rear carbureltorso that the thro...

Page 43: line with the reference plate lf it is found that the max advance is greaier or Iess than the prescribed value adjust the lixed advanceaccordingly as it is better to have correct timing at high spe...

Page 44: line with the reference plate lf it is found that the max advance is greaier or Iess than the prescribed value adjust the lixed advanceaccordingly as it is better to have correct timing at high spe...

Page 45: ...shaft by hand to oflng ihe rotor arm in line wilh the conlact for No j cylinder a make sure that in this position the conlact breakerpoints are about to open a then witho l d sturbing the dflve shaft...

Page 46: ...shaft by hand to oflng ihe rotor arm in line wilh the conlact for No j cylinder a make sure that in this position the conlact breakerpoints are about to open a then witho l d sturbing the dflve shaft...

Page 47: suitable containeG available by Alfa Romeo Service Stations lf too frequent a topping up is required have the cooling system checked by an AuthorizedWorkshop Should sudden and excessive leaks be ex...

Page 48: suitable containeG available by Alfa Romeo Service Stations lf too frequent a topping up is required have the cooling system checked by an AuthorizedWorkshop Should sudden and excessive leaks be ex...

Page 49: to radiator liller port until full a Add mixture also to reservoir until Max level is reached a Put plugs on reservoirand radiator Enginemaintenance The mixture in the cooling circuit gives full pr...

Page 50: to radiator liller port until full a Add mixture also to reservoir until Max level is reached a Put plugs on reservoirand radiator Enginemaintenance The mixture in the cooling circuit gives full pr...

Page 51: ...l must be restored Measure wilh a rule lhe free travel B of the actuating rod on the lever 5 by depressingthe pedal until the throwout bearing 7 contacts the spring 6 the travel B should be about 08 1...

Page 52: ...l must be restored Measure wilh a rule lhe free travel B of the actuating rod on the lever 5 by depressingthe pedal until the throwout bearing 7 contacts the spring 6 the travel B should be about 08 1...

Page 53: ...lug Check that gearboxis full ol oil to the bottomedge of the filler orifice 2 Drain plug The orooeller shalt is in two sections and has an intermediateflexible support attached to the body The front...

Page 54: ...lug Check that gearboxis full ol oil to the bottomedge of the filler orifice 2 Drain plug The orooeller shalt is in two sections and has an intermediateflexible support attached to the body The front...

Page 55: ...spension system is completed by a transversestabilizer rod which improves the stability ol the vehicle when cornering Upward movementof the arms is restricted by bumper pads situated near lhe springs...

Page 56: ...spension system is completed by a transversestabilizer rod which improves the stability ol the vehicle when cornering Upward movementof the arms is restricted by bumper pads situated near lhe springs...

Page 57: ...n authonzed Service Station Chassismaintenance This model is produced alternativelywith steering of the worm and rolle or recirculatingball type Reclrcul tlng ball sleerlng At the pretcrlbed inlervals...

Page 58: ...n authonzed Service Station Chassismaintenance This model is produced alternativelywith steering of the worm and rolle or recirculatingball type Reclrcul tlng ball sleerlng At the pretcrlbed inlervals...

Page 59: ...Slalion Lock steering whee in the central posilion i e with the spokes symmetricallydisposed in relation lo the vertical starting with the track rod 1on the steering box side place the correspondingwh...

Page 60: ...Slalion Lock steering whee in the central posilion i e with the spokes symmetricallydisposed in relation lo the vertical starting with the track rod 1on the steering box side place the correspondingwh...

Page 61: ...ondition lollow lhe servicing inslruclions given below a Take care to prevent the minimum level ol lluid in the reservoirlrom falling below ihe maximumlevelby more lhan a quarter a For renewalor toppi...

Page 62: ...ondition lollow lhe servicing inslruclions given below a Take care to prevent the minimum level ol lluid in the reservoirlrom falling below ihe maximumlevelby more lhan a quarter a For renewalor toppi...

Page 63: ...the pedal down and tighlen the bleed screw a lf the bleeding has been carelully performed ii will be found that when brake pedal is depressed direct aclion on the tluid can bc felt tree of resilience...

Page 64: ...the pedal down and tighlen the bleed screw a lf the bleeding has been carelully performed ii will be found that when brake pedal is depressed direct aclion on the tluid can bc felt tree of resilience...

Page 65: ...nlenance Pad reassembly l W l Template 2 Pislon ll the pistons are not in the correct position rotate them with the special pliers A 2 0i4ah bt rear brakes and A 2 0159 for front brakes a inserl the f...

Page 66: ...nlenance Pad reassembly l W l Template 2 Pislon ll the pistons are not in the correct position rotate them with the special pliers A 2 0i4ah bt rear brakes and A 2 0159 for front brakes a inserl the f...

Page 67: ...iuster5 one notch at a time in the directionshown in the figure until shoes just contact the drum then back up the adjusler by two three notches Gain accgss to the adiuster 5 with a screwdriver in ser...

Page 68: ...iuster5 one notch at a time in the directionshown in the figure until shoes just contact the drum then back up the adjusler by two three notches Gain accgss to the adiuster 5 with a screwdriver in ser...

Page 69: ...m servo is undamaged since even slight superlicialbody damage may seriously impair lhe lunctioning of the brakes Do nol coagl downhlll wlth lhe englne stoppqd there will be no suction in the brake yac...

Page 70: ...m servo is undamaged since even slight superlicialbody damage may seriously impair lhe lunctioning of the brakes Do nol coagl downhlll wlth lhe englne stoppqd there will be no suction in the brake yac...

Page 71: ...ismaintenance Bal6ncing TYRES PreS9ure Co recl Too low Too high lhflation pres9ures when cold Kleber 22 7 1 6 P RELLI 2s o 1 I i MtcHELtN 31 2 2 p3i Kg cm Wilh reduced load roul ngriding Wilh lul load...

Page 72: ...ismaintenance Bal6ncing TYRES PreS9ure Co recl Too low Too high lhflation pres9ures when cold Kleber 22 7 1 6 P RELLI 2s o 1 I i MtcHELtN 31 2 2 p3i Kg cm Wilh reduced load roul ngriding Wilh lul load...

Page 73: of paintwork on the car On the chromework use petrol to remove grease and a suitable com pound to take out any scratches tJse only woollen cloth for polishing Do not use petrol or solventson rubber...

Page 74: of paintwork on the car On the chromework use petrol to remove grease and a suitable com pound to take out any scratches tJse only woollen cloth for polishing Do not use petrol or solventson rubber...

Page 75: ...ounded lf any instrumentfails to operateor any lamp fails to light up farstcheck the correspondingfuses if the luse is sound check to ensure that the cable terminalsare tight and that the bulbs are no...

Page 76: ...ounded lf any instrumentfails to operateor any lamp fails to light up farstcheck the correspondingfuses if the luse is sound check to ensure that the cable terminalsare tight and that the bulbs are no...

Page 77: ...ethe olher at the same time Always fit new originat brushes of the pre_ scribed type After replacing the brushes run the starting motor with no load and for such time as is necessaryto bed the brush w...

Page 78: ...ethe olher at the same time Always fit new originat brushes of the pre_ scribed type After replacing the brushes run the starting motor with no load and for such time as is necessaryto bed the brush w...

Page 79: ...ors parkinq and stop lighls Loocen lhe allachrngscrews and re move rne tens Electricalequipment Number plate lights Withdraw socket and bulb from lhe insideot bumper Socket mount is of snap ontype Cei...

Page 80: ...ors parkinq and stop lighls Loocen lhe allachrngscrews and re move rne tens Electricalequipment Number plate lights Withdraw socket and bulb from lhe insideot bumper Socket mount is of snap ontype Cei...

Page 81: ...m largehead ramps 36 Parking Stop tights 37 Front direction indicators 38 Rear direction indicators 39 Back uplights 40 Frontparkingtights 41 Number plate light 42 Engine compartmenttight 43 Ceilingli...

Page 82: ...dJ_J q illr aNF lti D o r D r F l t_ r F rffr I l a 1 i str T 3 r 5 9 T I r ltF I I l l i l tl il i i 7 t l l _ r i T I r i t t fi 5F1 T r 1 iifl rr d3 ff q o tfu DuettoInfo com For Free Distribution...

Page 83: ...LFA ROMEO Via Gattamelala 45 20149MILANO O I A S S P u b b l c N 1 3 1 3 R I I 5 9 1 O O O Be eri Milano srampalo su carra auRco soLEX da qr 96 e 200 al mq DuettoInfo com For Free Distribution 83 of 8...

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