5 Maintenance
The valve is designed so that internal leakages do not result in the products becoming mixed.
Internal leakage in the valve is externally visible.
Study the instructions carefully.
Always keep spare rubber seals and guide rings in stock. Check the valve for smooth operation after service.
General maintenance
Recommended spare parts: service kits (see 7 Parts list and service kits)
Order service kits from the service kits section, see 7 Parts list and service kits
Ordering spare parts: contact the sales department.
Valve rubber seals
Valve plug seals
Valve guide rings
Preventive maintenance
Replace after 12 months(*)
Replace after 12 months (*)
Replace when required
Maintenance after leakage
(leakage normally starts slowly)
Replace after production cycle
Replace after production
Replace when required
Planned maintenance
regular inspection for leakage
and smooth operation
Keep a record of the valve
Use the statestics for planning
of inspections
Regular inspection for
leakage and smooth
Keep a record of the valve
Use the statistics for
planning of inspections
When assembling
Klüber Paraliq GTE 703 or similar
USDA H1 approved oil/grease
(**) (suitable for EPDM)
When assembling
Klüber Paraliq GTE 703 or
similar USDA H1 approved
oil/grease (**) (suitable for
Lubricate thread in valve plug parts with Klüber Paste UH1 84-201 or similar.
(*) Depending on working conditions! Please contact Alfa Laval.
(**) All product wetted seals.
Repairing of actuator
The actuator is maintenance-free, but repairable.
If repair is required, replacing all actuator rubber seals is recommended.
Lubricate seals with Klüberplex BE31
To avoid possible black remains on position number 1 and 29. Alfa Laval recommends Klüber Paraliq GTE 703 (white) for
these two positions.
Pre-use check
1. Supply compressed air to AC1, AC2 and AC3 one by one
2. Operate the valve several times to ensure that it operates smoothly.
Pay special attention to the warnings!