281 T / 281 W
Ultima modifica/Last Update: 18/03/2008 Rev0 pagina 14 di
Gas does not come out
from solenoid valve.
Excessive gas pressure.
Damage solenoid valve wiring.
Feeding is missing.
The solenoid valve control relay on the
front panel is damaged.
HF board is damaged.
Solenoid valve is damaged.
Remove the gas connection. Carry out a
gas test on the front panel in the MIG/TIG
procedure and check opening of the sole-
noid valve. Reduce gas pressure. Restore
connections and carry out a gas test.
Switch off the machine and disconnect the
Check the continuity of the cable that
connect the solenoid valve to the HF
board and the one that connect the HF
board to the front panel. If there’s no
continuity, try to repair the damaged ca-
Check that the connectors are correctly
Check continuity between points A/B of the
power board and x/y poles of the connec-
tor that goes to the front panel. After that
the solenoid valve or the front panel must
be replaced (picture 8).
The front panel must be replaced.
The HF board must be replaced.
Should the operations carried out not have
a positive outcome, replace the solenoid
The torch button
n’t work.
The torch could be damaged.
There is no continuity between the
amphenol connector and the front panel.
The front panel is damaged.
The Torch must be replaced.
Single out the interruption and replace the
The front panel must be replaced.
The machine always
welds at maximum cur-
The front panel is damaged.
The Power Board is damaged.
The Hall Effect is damaged.
Switch off the machine and disconnect the
Replace the front panel board; first ver-
ify that the spare part has the right
The Power Board must be replace.
The Hall Effect must be replace.
The machine can’t stop
welding or the welding
current is not the one
The slope up and slope down are not cor-
rectly set.
Regulate in the correct way the slopes.
Otherwise, reset the parameters and reset
the machine (picture 7).