Alesis QS Series Keyboards Service Manual V1.00
While I get the credit for the whole thing, as with any serious book, there is really a team
effort behind it. So this is my opportunity to thank all of those who’s special efforts help me look
good. Technicians Joe Reyes, Steve McCain, and Ron Dorsey. Their day to day experience
and help with proofreading are an integral part of this effort. Engineers Robert Rampley, and
Mike Murphy for their insight and documentation assistance. Parts gods Chris Martin and
Wayne Hamilton for help in procuring (you guessed it!) parts. My Boss John Sarappo for
having the confidence in me to let me do things my way (as well as having the final
proofreading say). The entire Alesis staff. Let’s face it, without their professionalism and skill,
there wouldn’t be any Alesis products for me to write about.
In addition to the support of my family and thanking the usual crowd of slackers I call my
friends, I’d also like to thank Speedvision network for almost satisfying my insatiable jones for
motorsports. Congratulations to Damon Hill for winning the Formula 1 Championship. I have
developed a great appreciation for how much effort it takes to win championships like that.
Last on the list, but first in class is of course You. Without You, none of this is needed,
and I’m out of a job! Beyond that, You give me the feedback that allows me to continue to
improve both myself, and the current state of the art in service documentation. It is always our
intention to provide You with the best information possible. Tell us what You need, and we’ll try
to get it to You.
T.J. Goodwin
Technical Services Coordinator.