Effect Quick Reference
(To switch between banks, press ON/OFF while holding down SET)
Effect Type
Number and Name
Bank A: Conventional Effects
Hall Reverb
1. Small Hall
Simulates the sound of a small concert hall.
2. Medium Hall
Simulates a medium concert hall.
3. Large Hall
Simulates a large concert hall.
4. Concert Hall
A warmer and even larger hall reverb.
A reverb that plays in reverse and comes before
instead of after the original sound.
Plate Reverb
6. Classic Plate
A recreation of the classic “plate reverb” produced
by vibrating metal plates.
7. Modern Plate
Brighter and thinner than Classic Plate.
8. Future Plate
Similar to Classic Plate, but larger sounding.
9. Golden Plate
Similar to Modern Plate, but larger sounding.
10. Small Room
Simulates the acoustics of a small room.
Room Reverb
11. Medium Room
Simulates the acoustics of a medium-sized room.
12. Large Room
The full-sounding reverb of a large room.
13. Echo 1
Adds an echo to your vocals.
14. Echo 2
An echo that has a longer delay time than Echo 1.
15. Echo 3
An echo that has a shorter delay time than Echo 1.
16. Tape Echo
Imitates the classic tape delay created by recording
audio to tape and replaying it as an echo.
Bank B: Radical Effects
17. Triggered Reverb
A reverb that doesn’t kick in until a certain volume
threshold is reached.
18. Ducking Reverb
A “ducking” reverb. The reverb level decreases
when the input is loud and increases when the
input is quieter.
19. Ducking Echo 1
A ducking version of Echo 1. The echo level
decreases when the input is loud and increases
when the input is quieter.
20. Ducking Echo 2
A ducking version of Echo 2.
21. Multi Chorus
Adds fullness to your vocals by emulating the
sound of several voices at once.
22. Schizo Chorus
A frenzied chorus effect.
23. Easy Flange
Shifts the pitch of the original signal up and down,
creating a swirling effect.
24. Resonant Flange
A flange with wider and quicker shifts in pitch.
25. Stereo Rotary
The classic sound of an organ’s rotary speaker.
26. Walkie Talkie
Distorts your voice so that you sound as if you’re
singing through a walkie talkie.
27. Distort & Phaser
A distortion effect combined with a phaser, which
creates a duplicate signal and delays it slightly.
28. Distort & Flange
Distortion combined with a flange effect.
Special Effects 29. Robot Vocal
The name says it all; this one gives your voice an
electronic, robot-like tone.
30. Robovox & Reverb
The Robot Vocal effect with reverb added.
31. Telephone
Cuts off highs and lows so you sound like you’re
talking on the telephone.
32. Decim8ed Filter
A super low-fi, harsh and resonant effect.
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