aleo solar GmbH | Marius-Eriksen-Straße 1 | 17291 Prenzlau | Germany | [email protected]
Installation Manual GG Elegante Rel. 1.5, 01/2022, EN
Copyright © 2021 aleo solar GmbH
7 Mounting specifications
Always ensure that the mounting structure is earthed
(R ≤ 10Ω).
Leave a minimum distance of 5mm between modules
when mounting. This prevents mechanical tension
due to thermal expansion of the glass.
Leave a distance of at least 4cm between the back
side of the modules and the underlying surface, to
ensure the rear ventilation of the module.
7 .1 Safety glass regulations
The product Elegante is a photovoltaic composite
safety glass (PV-VSG), marked with the code Z-70.3-
258 for the general architectural license (in Germany
“allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassung - abZ”). The
module is a laminated safety glass (VSG) and should
therefore be used as a construction product.
In case of uncertainty regarding the mounting and
for each topic not contained in this manual, please
contact us.
7 .2 Linearly supported modules
Most of the architectural applications foreseen for this
product, e.g. carports or verandas, take reference to
mounting types in which the modules are supported
on at least two opposite sides through a continuous
line. Depending on their inclination against the per-
pendicular, they are divided into overhead glazing
(inclination > 10°) or vertical glazing (inclination ≤10°)
Figure 7A
Elegante Modules are licensed for both kinds of in-
Mounting depth:
In case of an all-round linear support (e.g. in a frame)
the mounting depth must be at least 10mm. In the
case of two or three-sided linear support, the moun-
ting depth must be at least 15mm.
The assembly must be carried out in such a way that
the deflection of the module is not more than 1/100.
Figure 7B
Since the wind can equally act as a pressure or soak
load, the linear support must ensure that the glass
safely remains in the support for both types of load.
No contact between glass and hard materials (e.g.
metal, wood) may occur under load and temperature
For distance between supports higher than 1.20 m
there is an increased risk that the glass will leave the
bearing in the event of a break.
Therefore, modules with a linear support along the
short side of the Elegante module, where the span
is higher than 1.20m, must be placed on all sides in a
linear support.
Drilling and cut-outs in the modules are not permitted.
The free edge of the module, parallel and perpendicu-
lar to the bearing, can be at most 30% of the support
length, but in any case not more than 300mm.
Overhead glazing:
In case of overhead glazing we recommend that the
surface of the modules is inclined at an angle of at
least 5°, so that precipitation can drain off supporting
the modules self-cleaning.
Elegante Modules linearly supported on the long sides,
can bear pressure loads till 7500 Pa and soak loads
till 5400 Pa, according to IEC 61215 (Crystalline silicon
terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design qua-
lification and type approval), without compromising
the functional capabilty of the PV module.
7 .3 Punctually supported modules
The technical rules for the dimensioning and execution
of point-mounted fastening types apply:
The point holders must be made of stainless steel with
at least a corrosion resistance class II.
The assembly must be designed in such a way that
the modules can be installed with consideration of
structural tolerances and that the glass cannot come
in contact with other hard components (e.g. metal)
under operating conditions (load, temperature, inflec-
tion of load bearing construction).
The free edge of the glass must not be more than
300 mm and at least 80mm.
Figure 7C
Summary of Contents for ELEGANTE
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