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Alemite FCS Fluid Control System:
Installation and Operation Guide
Set Date and Time
To set the device date and time proceed as follows:
A. From main menu, scroll down and choose 5) Set Clock
B. Enter the time in an Hour Minute (HHMM) format (The FCS system uses a
24 hour clock)
C. Enter the Date in a Day Month format (DDMM)
D. Enter the year (four digits)
E. Press F2 to save the new values.
SD Card Backup Settings
The FCS is capable of storing and loading system setup and dispense data on
an internal microSD memory card. In case of a system failure, this backup can
be used to quickly setup a new replacement system without losing any of the
dispense data. The system backup can occur on demand oand it can also be set
to automatically backup daily at a specified time.
A. From main menu, choose 3) System Setup, Scroll to 9) Back Up Data
B. Press 1 to back up the data in the FCS to the SD card. It is recommended
that you do this following the initial system setup and anytime a change is
made to the system setup.