Step 4.
Insert 1 Bottom Leg into the open end of each of the 4 Top Legs. Place a
F2 fastener into each of the holes at the junction, making sure the exposed
threaded end is pointed away from the Swings.
Step 5.
Place Side Stay Bar over the exposed fastener ends so that the flat side
of the Stay Bar ends is in contact with the Top/Lower Leg assembly.
Step 6.
Tighten F2 nut down onto Side Stay Bar.
Anchoring Swing Set to Ground
Step 1.
Attach Ground Pegs to all 4 Nest Swing Bottom Legs using P1 fasteners.
Step 2.
Place assembled Swing Set in desired location and dig a footing hole,
measuring 12" (30cm) Long x 12" (30cm) Wide x 20" (50cm) Deep, at the base
of each support leg.
Step 3.
Prepare and pour concrete into the footing holes following concrete
manufacturer's instructions. Fully fill footing holes to be level with ground surface.
Step 4.
While Concrete is still wet, angle Ground Pegs toward swingset Top Bar
at roughly 120-degrees, then insert Ground Pegs into concrete footing, making
sure Swingset Bottom Legs do not sink below ground surface (utilize concrete set
time information). Use temporary support made from wood or other material if
necessary to prevent sinkage.
Swing Set will be ready for use once concrete is fully set and cured (consult
concrete manufacturer's instructions).
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