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Mini Power Post™ - USER GUIDE
General Operation
The Mini Power Post™ serves as a junction box for easy wire access. The junction box allows for easy connection of pump
power, pump float switch, and high level alarm float switch which is connected to the remote alarm panel. The junction box can
be used for a wide variety of applications. The applications are not limited to what is listed in this user guide. Follow all individual
instructions for float switches and accessories used with the Mini Power Post™.
The following applications can be found in this user guide: Septic Tank Monitoring and Alarm Auxiliary with Auto Dialer.
Septic Tank Monitoring
The diagram below displays the typical setup for septic tank monitoring. The setup includes: Mini Power Post™, Versa’larm™
indoor alarm, alarm float switch, and pump float switch. The Mini Power Post™ is installed into the ground and attached to
the septic tank riser. The pump float switch is only wired to the pump power line. When the pump float switch is actuated, the
pump will turn on and turn back off when the pump float switch is deactivated. The alarm float switch is wired through the post
and extends to the remote alarm in the house. When the alarm float switch is actuated, the Versa’larm™ alarm indicator will
illuminate and the buzzer will annunciate. The alarm condition will stay on until the alarm float switch is deactivated. If the alarm
silence pushbutton of the Versa’larm™ is pressed during an alarm condition, then the alarm indicator will remain on and the
buzzer will silence. The indoor alarm will reset when the alarm float switch connected to the Mini Power Post™ deactivates. The
Versa’larm™ in the house provides a local audible and visual alarm indication in a convenient indoor location.
Septic to Drain Field
House to Septic
Indoor Alarm