VR5 Product Manual. Rev. 1.0
4. Connection
For a given loudspeaker impedance, the proportional power loss as a function of cable length and cable gauge is given in the next table:
To calculate the SPL losses from these percentages in dB’s, the following equation may be used:
dB loss = 20 * log(1 – (%loss/100))
In the next table a few percentages are converted to dBs:
“The VR5 has a 16 ohms impedance which makes parallel connection possible of multiple cabinets.
It is technically possible to connect up to 8 VR5 cabinets on one amp channel, with a resulting impedance of 2 ohms; However, we recommend not going any
lower in impedance than 2.7 ohms, which is 6 VR5 cabinets in parallel, to provide ample power to each cabinet.”
1.5 mm²
2.5 m²
4 mm²
6 mm²
1.5 mm²
2.5 m²
4 mm²
6 mm²
5 meters
1.4 %
0.8 %
0.5 %
0.4 %
2.8 %
1.7 %
1.1 %
0.7 %
10 meters
2.8 %
1.7 %
1.1 %
0.7 %
5.4 %
3.3 %
2.1 %
1.4 %
15 meters
4.1 %
2.5 %
1.6 %
1.1 %
7.8 %
4.9 %
3.1 %
2.1 %
20 meters
5.4 %
3.3 %
2.1 %
1.4 %
10.2 %
6.4 %
4.1 %
2.8 %
25 meters
6.6 %
4.1 %
2.6 %
1.7 %
12.4 %
7.8 %
5.0 %
3.4 %
30 meters
7.8 %
4.9 %
3.1 %
2.1 %
14.5 %
9.3 %
6.0 %
4.1 %
40 meters
10.2 %
6.4 %
4.1 %
2.8 %
18.5 %
12.0 %
7.8 %
5.4 %
50 meters
12.4 %
7.8 %
5.0 %
3.4 %
22.1 %
14.5 %
9.6 %
6.6 %
% loss
dB loss
1 %
0.1 dB
2 %
0.2 dB
5 %
0.4 dB
10 %
0.9 dB
15 %
1.4 dB
20 %
1.9 dB
25 %
2.5 dB
30 %
3.1 dB
35 %
3.7 dB