3 Memo
You can set Text memo and Voice memo.
Select and enter text memo.
The non-blank note appears with the beginning
of contents, or only “note” appears. You can
press Left Soft key to delete one selected note.
Select one note and press OK to view it. Press
OK again to edit it. Press Left soft key to delete it.
4 Calculator
When in PIM menu, scroll to Calculator and
OK to do arithmetic.
Multi-directional keys are responding to “+”, “-“,
“*”, “/” respectively. Use Left Soft key to set
number positive or negative. Use “*” key to input
decimal. Press OK key to generate result. Use
“#” key to clear all. Press Right soft key to return
to PIM menu.
5 Stopwatch
From PIM menu, select Stopwatch and press OK
key to display the stopwatch interface.
Press OK key to start the watch, press Right soft
key again to stop it, press Left Soft key to clear.
6 Timer
You can set time to awake some things.
7 Converter
You can conversion some unites.