Drive safely
T-Mobile encourages you to use your phone in a safe
and sensible manner while driving.
Here are a few safety tips:
Assess road conditions before
answering your phone. Your safety
is more important than any call.
Prepare your hands-free headset, if you
have one, or turn on your speakerphone,
before you start moving.
Pre-program frequently used numbers into
your phone for easy, one-touch dialing.
Keep your phone close. If it rings and you
discover it’s in the back seat, do NOT crawl
over the seat to answer it while driving.
Remember that laws prohibiting or
restricting the use of a cell phone while
driving may apply in your area.
T-Mobile encourages customers to take appropriate
measures to secure their handsets and invites them
to take advantage of the features available on this
handset to help secure it from theft and/or other
unauthorized access and use. This handset has a
locking function (e.g., user-defined codes or patterns)
that can serve as a first line of defense against
unauthorized use or access to stored information.
Preloaded security applications that allow customers
to track or locate misplaced devices can be found
on several T-Mobile devices. Lost or stolen devices
should be immediately reported to T-Mobile so that
proper measures can be taken to protect accounts.
For additional information, visit: www.tmobile.
com/devicesecurity and http://www.t-mobile.com/
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