Constant Green Light
Registered to 3G network
Blue Light Slow Flashing (1Hz)
Registering into 2G network
Constant Blue Light
Registered to 2G network
Constant Blue light
WiFi open
Blue Light close
WiFi close
Blue Light Slow Flashing (Continuation
5 s)
Receive SMS
1.5 Connect in WiFi mode
locate the SSID information on the sticker on the SIM card cover.
WiFi key:
last eight digits of IMEI(if have default key).
Step 1:
Use the WiFi manager on the WiFi embedded device to select network name (SSID).
From a Windows PC: Right-click
Wireless network connection
on the task bar, and select View Available Networks. Choose
SSID from the list of available networks.
From a Mac computer: Select System Preferences -> Network-
>Airport. Click “Advanced” to choose SSID from the list of
available networks.
From an iOS device: Settings->WiFi. Choose SSID from the available Networks.