If converting between international currencies, both currencies must be selected. You must also enter the
appropriate exchange rate.
An exchange rate value is pre-set for each currency. You can change this value by selecting “
Set up
From the main screen, enter the amount in euros to be converted into the programmed currency,
then press the
key and select “
Enter a number and confirm with the
key, then select the type of operation to
be performed using the
key and confirm again.
Enter the second number and press
Select the “
” sign to display the result.
To return to the main screen, press the
key (long keypress).
View available memory space.
Your telephone’s memory is shared between several functions: directory, diary, messages, voice messages,
voice tag, images and melodies, games and applications, video clips. For example, if you use a lot of memory
for your voice memos, you will have less memory available for the directory.
Do not forget to delete large items such as voice memos, MMS, images, photos, recorded sounds,
applications, video clips..., in order to free up memory space. You can also delete certain items
included in your telephone when you bought it.
For the former european national currencies, the currency converter uses the final Euro conversion
rates set on 31/12/1998, which are used in accordance with official conversion rules.
Alarm clock
First set the alarm frequency (daily or only once), then enter the time and date and confirm by pressing the
key. You can also enter the purpose of the alarm and then confirm with the
Set the amount of time desired before the alarm is to sound and confirm with the
When the alarm has been activated, the
icon is displayed on the main screen. The alarm will sound
whether the handset is switched on or off and can be shut off by pressing the
If you have chosen the “
” option, the alarm will sound at regular 10 minute intervals.
The currency converter allows you to:
Convert a currency directly into euros and vice versa
Convert a sum of money into another currency (e.g. dollars to pounds).
For a conversion into euros, you can modify the default currency by selecting “
Set up
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