Voice Mail: Check how many voice messages are in the phone, press 1 to access to the
voicemail, press 2 to clear voice mail.
Listen Voice Mail: Dial the voice mail number.
Voice Mail Number: Set the voice mail number
5. Contacts
The phone can store up to 500 contacts. From the idle screen press the right soft key to
display the list of contacts. The contact list can also be accessed through Menu/Contacts.
5.1 Contacts List
Select Menu/Contacts/Contacts List to access the contacts list. Select the left soft key for
the following options: View, Edit, Add New, Send Messages, Send Contacts, Copy/Move
to UIM Card (for phone contacts), Copy/Move to Phone (for UIM card contacts) and
: Check the contact’s personal information.
: Edit the contact data.
Add New
: Add a new contact.
Send Messages
: Send a text message to the contact.
Send Contacts
: Create a new text message and add the contact details to the content.
Copy to UIM Card/Copy to Phone:
Copy a phone contact to UIM card /Copy a UIM card
contact to phone.
Move to UIM Card/Move to Phone
: Move a phone contact to UIM card /Move a UIM card
contact to phone.
: Delete the contact details in Contacts.
5.2 Search
Select Menu/Contacts/Search, input contact’s name, you can find out all contacts which
contain the name you input.