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T H E   I D E A L   M O B I L I T Y   A N D   C O L L A B O R AT I O N

S O L U T I O N   F O R   S M B S





Alcatel Eye-box enables your employees to access and share the information they need for their activities, regardless of their location 
(office, hotel, customer visit or at home) and the tools available to them (PC, laptop, PDA, Smartphone, public Internet terminal).

Using any network or Internet access, it’s never been easier to:

Access the company messaging system (e-mail and voice mail)
Manage a diar y and organize meetings
Share group and company contacts
Share work documents


Alcatel Eye-box enables you to effortlessly access all the shared information using interfaces specially adapted to the situations 
corresponding to your daily activities.

The Vir tual Desktop and the Mobile Vir tual Desktop

The essential tools you need for collaboration outside the office: e-mails,
contacts, diaries, bookmarks, and files.

A l c a t e l   C o n n e c t o r   f o r   M i c r o s o f t   O u t l o o k


Combine Microsoft Outlook


‘s flexibility of use with the services 

centralized by the Alcatel Eye-box: e-mails, contacts, and diaries.

When you're out of the office, you'll be able to use your work environment thanks
to the virtual desktop's secure web interface using a standard Internet browser. 

When you’re on the move, the virtual desktop also adapts to your PDA or 
WAP Smartphone.

So in every situation you'll have access to the same information as if you
were in the office. 
