VitalQIP Product Description
Attributes are individual pieces of information you want to associate with items in the VitalQIP
Database. Examples could be Employee Badge Number. Manager’s Name. Product Name or
Attribute groups are a way to organize attribute names. Examples could be Employee
Information. Products or Departments. An attribute does not have to be assigned to an attribute
group or can be assigned to more than one attribute groups.
Infrastructure objects such as pools, blocks and nodes are defined on the attributes section. You
can associate an Attribute with any defined infrastructure object.
You can define attributes and groups in this tab. You associate them with various elements of
the database when you define those elements. For example you can define and attribute here and
associate with the infrastructure object pool, but to associate a specific pool, you must edit the
pool’s properties. Add, Modify and delete of User Defined attributes. These attributes are used
to customize the GUI and user data. Once assigned to an infrastructure type the attribute is fully
searchable. Below is the list of infrastructure types that UDFs can be assigned to:
Object Classes
– Add, modify and delete of naming policies which define devices such as PC,
Printer, router, wiring HUB… and the same for object classes.
Global Policies
– Allows the management of global policies directly in the tab. Below is a
sample view.
2009 Alcatel-Lucent
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