Premium DeskPhone
29 /65
3.6 Talk simultaneously to more than 2 contacts
This feature depends on the system configuration. If necessary, contact your administrator.
You are in a conference call with 2 contacts. To add another participant to the conference:
Dial the number of your contact (dial, directories, last numbers dialed...).
Your contact answers.
You are on the line with the additional contact.
During a 3-way conference, you can add up to three additional participants.
3.7 Placing a call on hold (hold)
3.7.1 Exclusive hold
During a conversation, you wish to place the call on hold and recover it later, on the same telephone.
During a conversation
Your call is placed on hold
Recover the call on hold
Use one of the following:
: press “hold” to recover the call on hold.
Hang up, your phone is ringing, then answer the call.
Select the call on hold icon from the conversation screen.
Select the tab which is displaying the call on hold
Press the Back/Exit key to display the Perso page Select the call on hold.
3.7.2 Common hold
This feature depends on the system configuration. If necessary, contact your administrator.
Common hold allows to all sets in the same pick-up group to resume a call (internal or external) that has
been put on hold by one of the members of that group.
Putting on common hold:
During a conversation.
Press the Back/Exit key to display the Perso page.
Press programmed key:
Comm hold
(by default).
Recover the call on hold from any sets defined in the same pick-up group (including your set):
Recover the call on hold from any sets defined in the same pick-up group (including your set)
Press programmed key:
Comm hold
(by default).