Cloud Edition DeskPhone
29 /74
A card contains 3 pages:
Your conversation history with this contact.
Main information about your contact (photo, phone number, email).
Action proposed with this contact (call, add to local directory).
When you open the contact card, the conversation history is displayed if there are one or more new
events, otherwise the action page is displayed.
The actions available depend on where your contact card is opened from (history, local directory, etc.).
Navigate between different pages.
Call the contact.
Add the contact to your local directory (if the contact is not already
saved here).
Modify the contact.
Delete the contact from your local directory.
Go back to the Homepage.
2.2.1 Add the contact to your local directory
Select the history icon from the phone menu (see the navigation section of your phone
Open the contact card of the contact you want to add to your local directory.
Fill in the contact file.
You must provide at least a last name.
Choose a predefined avatar.
Your contact is added to the directory.
2.2.2 Company directory (LDAP)
This feature is available if a company directory is configured in your system.
Enter the first letters of your contact's name.
The search history is displayed.
Enter the first letters of your contact's name.
The search runs as soon as you enter a character (predictive search). The matching names are
Call the contact.