Attach the red wire to a part of the vehicle electrical system which is interconnected
to the ignition.
Connect the black wire to the negative pole on the battery or the vehicle body.
Note for all connecting methods:
For EMC reasons, the cable used to connect to the power supply should be no longer than 3
If you wish to operate your set at home from the mains supply then please only use a
stabilised power supply with at least 2 amps permanent current capacity. Under no
circumstances should you use a car battery charger, as these are not stabilised and during
open circuit reach such high voltage levels that your radio set could be destroyed.
Never repair a blown fuse with silver paper or with aluminium foil! If the fuses keep
blowing, then please give your radio set to your servicing dealer to be repaired or
hand it in to an authorized service station.
The maximum allowed voltage variation for this radio is from 10.8 volts up to 15.6
volts. Never exceed the upper voltage limit under no circumstances! The
transmitting stages for your AE 6190 HD-X are electronically stabilised, and
therefore it is impossible to increase output by means of excessive supply voltage.
Such attempts may lead to serious damage to the radio set but will never increase
output power!
Antenna connection
Connect your CB antenna to the ANT socket on the rear side of your ALBRECHT AE 6190
HD-X. Most CB antennas must be tuned to best radiation during installation to give highest
effective communication range. CB specialists do that job with a standing wave (SWR)
meter to check and adjust the aerial. Tune the antenna to the best standing wave ratio
(SWR) on an medium channel number e.g. using Channel 1 in 80/40 mode (26.965 MHz) or
Channel 20 (27.205 MHz) in all other modes. Truckers should prefer CH 9 for optimum
On this channel you should obtain a SWR of approx. 1.5 or less (the best possible value is
1.0). If the SWR deteriorates on the highest (Channel 40) and lowest (Channel 41) channels
up to a value of 2.5, then your aerial is still acceptable. SWR above 3 is too bad for good
communication range. A bad SWR may also indicate that there is perhaps an installation
error or missing ground. Problems may be caused through missing ground, especially in
boats and motor homes with fiber glass body. For these cases, Albrecht offers a special
connecting cable with matching box as “artificial ground” (AKM 27), or ground less antennas
like GL 27.
Some antennas, like “Gamma II” are broadbanded and do not need any retuning
during installations.
Even if your AE 6190 HD-X is a heavy duty transceiver with a high-level output stage
which can even withstand mismatching of SWR=3, you should still never transmit
without an antenna!