/ Skimmer 15 l
General description
Skimmers are used to remove impurities from the surface of the water in swimming pools. We
recommend considering this fact during the construction of the pool so that the skimmer can be
installed with holes against the prevailing wind direction.
When selecting the number of skimmers that you need to install in the pool, we recommend the
following simple rules: 1 skimmer per 25 m
of water in the pool, while the maximum flow of the
skimmer should not exceed 5000 l / h.
Generally, where there are one to two pool skimmers, they should be placed on the width of the
pool at the deep end, when there are three or more skimmers, they should be placed along the
length of the pool. In all cases they should be placed against the return inputs (pic. 1).
The installation should be performed according to the instructions of pic. 2 or 3, depending on
whether it is a concrete or prefabricated swimming pool. To avoid air intake, it is necessary to take
great care to maintain the correct water level.
When removing the disc for a vacuum cleaner and a basket from the skimmer, make sure that it is
constructed using a bayonet system. Do not pull the parts up sharply. First, turn them so that the
two flat sides of the cover and the baskets are aligned with the flat sides of the device body, and then
gently pull upwards.
the deeper
end of the
PIC. 1
PIC. 2
PIC. 3
PIC. 4
PIC. 5
PIC. 6