Dimensions in mm
This data sheet is designed as a guide and should not be regarded as wholly accurate in every detail. We reserve the right to amend the specification of any product without notice.
ART24 Differential Pressure
Control Valve (DPCV)
Page 6
Typical installations:
ART24 DPCV should be used in radiator heating systems to control the pressure fluctuations
and limit the extra-flow rates in the radiators.
Generally in these systems, thermostatic valves are installed in order to give the possibility
to regulate the temperatures in the heated rooms. The flow rates in each emitter will be
constantly modulated as the thermal load changes. As a result the system pressure will
fluctuate significantly and the DPCV will absorb the extra-pressures.
Controlling differential pressure over the riser means also that the thermostatic valve
authority is high, allowing an efficient and stable temperature control and consequently
an energy saving. They are often used to prevent noise problems within pipework and TRV.
ART24 valves are used in floor heating systems in order to limit the flow rates of each
loop, their installation in the pipeline that supplies the manifold, enables an easier flow rate